
Friday, November 30, 2012

Lemming Landed: Elevation Polish Mt Yu

Hey polished prisoners,

So long time no post eh? I promise I haven't been languishing.   I inadvertently sliced off a quarter inch of the medial aspect of my left thumb last Friday - translation mandolins are the devil :(  I couldn't bear to have nail polish remover anywhere near it. While I have been recovering my Elevation Polishes have been calling my name. I wanted to break out a polish I've been crushing on for ages - Mt Yu. Plus let's face it Lulu is a genius at creating instant lemmings/lustings that drive me wild ;)

Lacquer Lockdown - Elevation Polish Mt Yu, Elevation Polish Yusan, indie nail polish

Mt Yu is a light creme mint green polish with an extremely subtle shimmer. It's actually a reincarnation of Yusan a polish that released right before my naturalization into the Elevation nation. I was a latecomer but I'm totally dedicated to Lulu and her lovely creations now! I have to say this plush is fabulous - opaque in three thin coats or two thick depending on your preferences.This next picture demonstrates how etheral this polish really is as sometimes it takes on the appearance of seeming almost white when in fact it's a very pale green.

Lacquer Lockdown - Elevation Polish Mt Yu, Elevation Polish Yusan, indie nail polish

Ugh I am so in love with this polish! It was restocked only for the month of November as part of the Kickin It Ole School Collection, but there is still stock left if you click on the link above. Want to know more about Lulu, her inspiration, and Elevation polish in general? Check out her blog here or her store here.  Restocks happen on the 7th of every month.   Beware you will be addicted by the very 1st restock!!!  On a side note I did something amazing with this mani later so you'll have to check  back to see what I came up with.  Thanks for reading and see you next post!  Toodles...


  1. Gorgeous shade on you! I could never pull this off :(

    1. Hmm I don't know I think you might be able to with a tan!


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