
Friday, November 9, 2012

Why H8 Is Never GR8...

Hello polished prisoners,

Today or rather yesterday was a special day for the nail polish community.  In an effort to eradicate negativity and hatred in our very big and yet oh so small community women everywhere were donning their purple polishes and just saying no to h8.  I couldn't agree more so here I am.    I had the unfortunate or fortunate fate, depending on how you look at it, to be a bullied kid.  Ah the days when I was chubby, buck toothed, four-eyed, unfashionable, poor, and unpopular.  I didn't have a friend on my side (not counting my brothers), and so all the way from 5th grade of elementary school up until mid-way through high school I was very much alone.  The bus rides home were torture.  I'd be teased mercilessly, rocks would be thrown at me, and I can even remember one occasion where I was knocked down into a huge puddle of mud and my mother had to come to school to bring me a change of clothes.  Those days were so horrible and something that plagued me for years, but I was blessed to have a mother who always believed in me and encouraged me to be myself.  Despite all of the ugly things that happened my confidence in myself never shrank and I was able to stand up and continue standing up and say, "Damnit! I am who I am and you can either take it or leave it! I won't bow or bend for the sake of approval from anyone."  I owe my mother a lot.  She helped me become the woman I am today and never once let me feel like I was anything other than special when others told me I was everything but.

Lacquer Lockdown - BM317, BM311, Essie Nothing Else Metals, Essie Play Date & Boxershorts, Butter London Knackered, Konad Special Polish in Pastel Purple and Purple, stamping, bundle monster 2012

BM317, BM311, Essie Nothing Else Metals, Essie Play Date & Boxershorts, Butter London Knackered, Konad Special Polish in Pastel Purple and Purple

Lacquer Lockdown - BM317, BM311, Essie Nothing Else Metals, Essie Play Date & Boxershorts, Butter London Knackered, Konad Special Polish in Pastel Purple and Purple, stamping, bundle monster 2012

Bullying is ugly and a behavior driven by mob and crowd mentality.  Better to be the one accepted in a group tearing someone else down than be the one being torn eh?  Wrong!  It takes one person to open their mouth and stand up for what is right and possibly change the scope of someone's world.  I cannot abide the seemingly strong picking on the weak or disadvantaged nor the tearing down of someone else's esteem to build up my own.  I don't want to be involved in a community that does such things and I'm glad to see bloggers stepping up and taking an active role in making this community a more positive place.  And here I am to do my part as well - purple polish and claws up!  For all the Jake's, Tom's, Mr. G's, and Sandra's out there this is for you!  Always always be proud of who you are and let your actions toward others be the measure of your own virtue.  My last name may not be Lannister but Hear me Roar!

Photo: In cooperation with the nail polish blogger community, we are participating in the No H8 day on Thursday, November 8, 2012.

An excerpt from the Eradicate Hate in the Nail Polish Blogger Community:

"As members of the nail polish blogging community, we all share a love of beauty, color, and lacquer. Other than that, we are remarkably different: from our race to our religion to our hair color...even to our polish application techniques. To marginalize anyone because of those differences is completely unacceptable and today I take a stand against that. I refuse to allow other people's view of "normal" dictate how I behave, believe, and blog. 

In solidarity with a multitude of bloggers linked below, my purple manicure represents my proud commitment to the No H8 movement. Today, November 8, I dedicate my post to ending bullying of any kind and to encouraging diversity and imperfection among our colorful community."

Bullying and harassment is not right and should not be tolerated in any walk of life.  This should extend to every person in every situation.  We are all unique, all different and all special.  Each and every one of us should have the right to exist without fear of being bullied or harassed.  The change starts with us, today, now. will be donating $2.00 for every purple polish sold on the site from 12:00am on Thursday, November 8, 2012 to 12:00am on Friday, November 9, 2012, to Pacer.Org, an organization devoted to education to stop bullying.  

Thank you so much for your support and together we will build a better world for generations to come.   

We will be featuring participating blog posts on our Facebook page all day tomorrow to honor No H8 day.  I encourage each of you to share your purple manicures even if you have never posted your pictures before.  You probably have noticed that I do not post many pictures of my own nails and you have probably never seen my knuckles.  I have arthritis is my joints and my knuckles are starting to twist.  I have always been ashamed of this and rely on others photos to show the polishes that I sell.  Today, I will not be ashamed and today I will post my hand.  I encourage you to be proud and do the same.  We are all unique, special and it is time to show it!  Thank you all so much for supporting this cause!

You can find other bloggers who participated in the No H8 movement HERE  as well as resources to anti-bullying sites and support.  Thank you so much for reading and I'll see everyone next post!


  1. Like I always tell you that you have a very cool mom !!! Great mani !! You know I love purple and blue !! :)

    1. Thank you darling! I agree my mom is awesomesauce!


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