
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Hot Off The Stamping Press: MoYou London Greek Mythology Collection Expansion!

Hiya lacqueristas,

Yes, the folks at MoYou London have hit their stride!  If you recall last week MoYou London recently released a Greek Mythology Collection, which you can read about here, after several semi lackluster releases.  As you know I wasn't too impressed with the Scholar or Sci-Fi Collection, and so it was with a heavy heart I regarded their annoucement of 100 or more so plates coming off the stamping presses.  Now I have to say if they keep releasing plates like these I will be firmly back in their little paws once more!  I threw in some fun facts for this release so read on and do try and control your drooling ;)

Poseidon - a brother to Zeus who lost the rights to Mt Olympus when they drew lots.  Fie and Shame! But at least he didn't end up in the underworld like Hades.  His weapon is the trident. He is second in power only to Zues and the god of water.  Worshiped and feared by sailors alike, and unfortunately known to be greedy, grasping, and capricious.  He invented the horse (to impress a lady), and if you really know your legends for some reason beyond comprehension was thought to have mated with Medusa creating Pegagsus.  Hmmm....

Lacquer Lockdown - MoYou London, MoYou London Greek Mythology Collection, greek mythology, nails, nailart, stamping, hercules, muses, diy nails, diy nail art, new stamping plates 2014, new nail art plates 2014, new image plates 2014, new plates 2014, bundle monster, pueen 2014, stamping,

Ares - another son of Zeus mothered by the infamous Hera.  A murderer, adulterer, a practitioner of vengeance, and the god of war.  As such he is a warmonger filled with bloodlust and abhorred not only by the other gods but his own parents as well.  Beloved by the Spartans. Father of Nike (just do it!).  His bird is the vulture and his chosen animal is the dog.  He was once captured by giants and put in a clay jar (hence that imagery on the plate).  He and Athena are diametrically opposed.  While she is a goddess of war in such that she protects men and the cities they live in Ares loves nothing so much as the sounds men dying and the general chaos created by war.  In short ladies he's a real charmer... 

Lacquer Lockdown - MoYou London, MoYou London Greek Mythology Collection, greek mythology, nails, nailart, stamping, hercules, muses, diy nails, diy nail art, new stamping plates 2014, new nail art plates 2014, new image plates 2014, new plates 2014, bundle monster, pueen 2014, stamping,

Athena has always been a favorite of mine.  She is the golden child of all of Zeus' many heirs that literally sprung from his forehead fully armored.  As such she is the only child (not counting Hercules) who can wield his lightening.  The goddess of reasoning, literature, the arts, and also happens to be a bad ass warrior.  Her bird is the owl and her tree the olive (yup they are lining up the imagery well). This plate is so well executed and the helmets are blowing me away!

Lacquer Lockdown - MoYou London, MoYou London Greek Mythology Collection, greek mythology, nails, nailart, stamping, hercules, muses, diy nails, diy nail art, new stamping plates 2014, new nail art plates 2014, new image plates 2014, new plates 2014, bundle monster, pueen 2014, stamping,

Eros - the god of love; the erotic desperate inescapable kind.  Son of Aphrodite. Wielder of the arrow coated in a poison that causes unyielding lust and love in the poisoned or absolute disinterest.  He's not blindfolded here, but is often depicted as such since we all know love can be blind.  I find this god...disturbing.  I find the plate divine, minus the kisses!

So here's a quick recap of the myths/plates released thus far including today's release:
1. The Muses
2. Hercules
3. Hybrids
4. Orpheus
5. Dionysus
6. Zues
7. Poseidon
8. Ares & Athena
9. Eros

I hope the background info wasn't too much.  Let me know what you think! Which plate is your favorite? Mine would be Poseidon's.  I believe MoYou London is making a comeback for my affections with this collection, but then I love ancient cultures!  They are pressing all the right buttons for a former anthropology major.  I am still praying for a Jason and the Argonauts plate and I want the Fates.  As usual these plates will be available Friday and retail for 4.99 Euro.  You can find them on the MoYou London website here.  Thanks for reading and see you next post!


  1. The plates are wonderful! Thank you for taking the time to give us the background information on the plates! I will definitely be getting plate #8 Ares & Athena.

    1. Aww I'm glad you liked it! I took Latin for 6 years there is no such thing as too much classics for me aside from majoring in Anthropology. I will be getting all of these plates because I can't control myself >_<


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