I feel an evil cackle coming on. Mwhahahaha! Ok I'm good now. I think it's no secret that I love Messy Mansion stamping plates. I mean I really really love them! I own all of the currently released plates and I regularly stalk her Facebook and website for updates. Basically I'm in a serious relationship with Julia. I wonder if her husband knows? Lol So why am I rambling on and on about my love Julia and her brand so much? Well because I have some very special and exclusive news for you. Messy Mansion is releasing new line of plates. In fact she is releasing TWO and right here on Lacquer Lockdown you can take a look at plates that have never been seen ANYWHERE else. Now I won't tease you any further because I hate when people do that to me so lets take a look...
For those of you who aren't in the know, Julia McGowan, owner and creator of Messy Mansion, currently sales 3 lines of Australian made plates. Her own Messy Mansion plates, Lily Anna plates, and Emily de Molly plates. She is also the original creator and mastermind behind the leadlighting technique (you can read more about that here). In short she is a phenomenon! And now she is bringing us two new lines the first called The Bridal Nail plates and the second is called Leadlight Lacquer.
The Bridal Nail plates were created after polling several nail technicians on which kind of images they felt they were missing. The answer was negative space images and thus the Bridal Nail line was born. Look at the numbers of the plates people. I don't see plate 01 and you know what that means...lots more plates to come!
Leadlight Lacquer plates are exactly what they sound like. Plates that are ideal for the leadlighting technique. For those lucky ladies down under, as in the land down under, you can purchase Leadlight Lacquer polishes directly from the Messy Mansion ship. For international ladies like myself plans are still underway to get the polishes overseas to our greedy little paws. As you can see with the Bridal Nails plates the plate numbers aren't all here. Ohhh...clever clever
So what do you think? This is why I love to blog people! I love love love these plates! Every single plate I've purchased from Messy Mansion has been perfectly and flawlessly etched. Even the tiniest lines are crisp and every time I go back there are new and innovative plates that make me think, I need that! I would pretty much be willing to set up a second account that links me directly to the Messy Mansion shop so the plates can just flow seamlessly from her to me. Lol! In any case I have no idea when then these plates are coming out. I'll keep you posted and for now just enjoy all the drool worthy options.