
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Guest Post on Polished To Precision

Hey lacqueristas,

It's a first for me - yup that's right I have a guest post up today on Polished To Precision.  Head on over to the both beautiful and talented Tiffany's blog to check out the nail art I created and all the relevant details! Go for the nail art but stay for the insanely gorgeous swatches she produces :)


  1. These are gorgeous, I love the gradiated (?) stamping!

  2. Thank you sweetie! Yeah who knows how to phrase that exactly? Gradient..gradiated...I think it might me the latter but who cares as long as it's pretty right! I hope that precocious daughter of yours is doing well too!

  3. Skittle stamp? We need to make up a catchy name and get you famous for it!

  4. Lol I don't think skittle stamp will work that implies each nail would be a different stamp like skittles. I'm not very good at these type of things though. Gradient stamping is all I could think of. Grad stamp?


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