Happy Wednesday! Who's ready to see the lasted offerings by MoYou London?
Welcome back to the Fashionista Collection. I still have a hard time with Coco's attire, but I find myself liking the offerings better this week.
This plate is awesome! White I am totally not into sewing I love the open patterns and spirals here as well as the dual negative positive images! Way to think it through MoYou and well done!
So I will be honest and say this plate bothers me a bit. If you follow my blog you know I tend to stay right on top of releases from all over the world big and small. I find myself looking at this plate and thinking it's gorgeous and then I realized that several of the patterns are super familiar. In fact they reminded me immensely of a Petla's Golden Russian plate and a few other scattered images from Loja BBF. I guess it's always good to have options but I see at least 4 dupes easily. Maybe damask is super popular? Despite that I do fine this plate lovely.
Smaller frame same game.
Lots of houndstooth variations here! For whatever reason I find this plate kinda cool! I know it's probably a lot of houndstooth for the average bear, but I like they that were so diligent about showing us all the cool choices!
Same game smaller frame, but even more houndstooth!
So what do you think? Any plates that you are burning up to get? Personally I really prefer the plates this week to last weeks release. I'm not overwhelmed enough that I must absolute have anything here, but there are a few plates I will definitely be putting on my neverending MoYou wishlist including plates 06 and 09. As usual these plates will release Friday retailing for 4.99 GBP on the MoYou London site. Happy hunting and I'll see you next post...

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