
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Hot Off The Stamping Press: MoYou London Libra Zodiac Collection Plate!

Hey stamp champs,

Quick post to gush about the latest plate that released from the Zodiac Collection this month from MoYou London!  I know many of you ladies are anxiously awaiting your month to arrive while others kind of forget in the endless stream of awesome that MoYou London releases on a weekly basis these days!  Well good new's Libra's it's your time to shine ;)

Per Luna this plate is for  all the creative, generous, ambitious, warm hearted, easy going, fun, social, good natured, idealistic, artisitic, perfectionistic, peace loving ladies out there.  Boy they really went over kill on the adjectives eh? Lol, but look at the wares!

Lacuqer Lockdown - MoYou London, MoYou London Zodiac Collection, Libra plate, libra nail art, constellation nail art, galaxy nail art, nail art stamping blog, nail art stamping, cute nails, diy nail art, birthday nail art, libra birthday nail art, easy nail art ideas, stamping, legal scales, law nail art, floral nail art

Ok I'm just gonna say it - damn this plate is beautiful! I think it's even prettier than the plate they did for the month of August (my birth month) sheez! Lyrical looking with tones of flow ths plate is gorgeous and the patterns are definitely useable for all kinds of art outside of the  Libra realm.  Well done MoYou!  So this plate is available for purchase now on the MoYou London website and retails for the usual 4.99 GBP.  What are my Libra ladies thinking? Do you love it or is it a pass? In either case this one is going on my wishlist! Happy hunting lacqueristas and I'll see you next post....

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