
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Hot Off The Stamping Press: MoYou London Alice In Wonderland Nail Art Stamping Plate Collection Expansion!

Heya stamperellas,

I know lately I have been inundating you with new plate announcements and releases.  That's just the way it is sometimes raining and pouring plates by the dozens.  I think right now competition and production in the stamping nail art world has never been more fierce, and for all of that we need to put a bit more thought into which plates will be the right fit for each of us over the next coming months.  But for now it's Wednesday and that means it's time for another plate release from MoYou London.  This week the release is once again focused on the Alice in Wonderland inspired collection that released last week.  You can view those plates here, but let's take a look at what MoYou came up with next....

 You've seen Alice before.  I actually think they did a really great job designed this Mascot as a modern Alice bangs and all!

You guys already know I love the landscape plates MoYou London designs.  It's their strength and sometimes to be frank they can rescue some collections from seeming mediocre.  Last week I had a mixed feeling about these plates being overly cartoonish and not really on par with what I expected of an Alice and Wonderland Collection.  This week unfortunately I feel the same.  I think visually and aesthetically these landscape plates are GORGEOUS. My problem lies in what images will become when broken apart as a whole.  Of 4 plates releasing Friday This plate and the one above are my favorites in terms of creating functional and beautiful patters although broken down on an individual basis as opposed to the overall visual effect of the landscape plate don't don't feel all that Alice in Wonderland inspired to me.

Beautiful plate for the Queen of Hearts but where is her catch phrase of "Off with their heads!" or even "All ways are MY ways." Lol again beautiful but if you broke up this plate to the individual designs that would stamp onto each nail it looses the effect of AiW.

This one is totally cartoonish like the plates from last week.  It's not really my favorite and I wish the phase here was "I'm late, I'm late for a very important date." Cute but nothing I have to absolutely have.  Love the scrollwork on the edges though!

Lacquer Lockdown - MoYou London, Alice In Wonderland, mad hatter, white rabbit, alice, queen of hearts, nail art stamping, nail art stamping blog, diy nail art, cute nail art ideas, new stamping plates 2014, new nail art image plates 2014, stamping, nail art

Better.  I like this plate I think the individual designs from his coat and pants would be cool, but I'm not getting the feel of AiW with any of the singular images except the ones that surround his head at the top.

So I have to so having seen these last few plates I'm a bit disappointed by the AiW Collection.  It's a step off-beat from Disney or Burtonesque imaginings without even capturing the old world charm and illustrations of the original novel.  I'm a bit at a loss.  I feel like I should be compelled to buy these plates because I love AiW so much, but I don't feel any particular passion for these designs.  But maybe it's just me.  What do YOU think.  These plates will release on Black Friday and retail for 4.99GBP as usual + shipping on the MoYou London website.  Happy hunting stamp champs and if I don't post tomorrow happy Thanksgiving to those of my followers based in the US! See you next post...


  1. I hear you. As a whole, the plates are gorgeous to look at, but once you start breaking down in your mind each bit and onto the nail the "feel" of the theme is sort of lost. I don't know, maybe a little experimentation with these and other AiW plates will do. I will get some from this collection tomorrow as the Sagittarius plate (which I'm not that happy at, sort of upset me when I liked other signs better, to me, is missing a full image of a centaur, I was dreaming of some sort centaur\amazon woman in her splendor with stars, planets, arrows and symbols around her but no, so boomer)

  2. Yeah. I mean I have other AiW plates that I love, but I thought the point of this collection was that I wouldn't have to reach for other plates to create a AiW mani. I'm sure I can mix and match but I kind felt like I shouldn't have to do that. Oh well they are pretty but given how many plates are coming out right now I don't feel like they are necessary. I'm also sorry to hear your plate wasn't as well liked I think a lot of ladies the last 2 releases have been disappointed :/


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