Yes yet another brand/design of plates has emerged off the stamping press! They are of the landscape variety and can be purchased via AliExpress. Often I have mixed sentiment regarding AliExpress since you really are in a crap shoot regarding whether the seller of plates you purchase will have reliable wares i.e. well etched plates. So I always stress a little bit, but this year has seen the emergence of some truly beautiful collections from China including the QGirl and Hehe plates. I don't believe I've blogged about either brand before but you can expect a review of at least the Hehe plates very soon. For now I want to tell you about a set of plates I discovered a few weeks ago that look quite tempting and are of the landscape variety called Dream Girl plates.
Now let's see the close up images shall we?
These are pretty right? I doubt I will be able to fit the girls face onto a nail but the rest of the elements of this plate are lovely.
Kawaii. Cute cute cute! I think this plate is seriously adorable!
Another seriously cute one! I think the tiny mushroom houses are so cute! Also look at the little puppy!
This plate is a combo of lovely and slightly creepy to me. I truly hate the hands that are creepily posed but I love the fairy flowers, and butterflies. So torn....
More adorable imagery here! I love the little girls hair for a cute patterned look and the pawprints.
I am loving the pinwheel here and the little cat though I think they have overloaded on flower images at this point lol.
I truly wish the elephant here was a touch smaller thoug the little fairy girl will fit my nails :) Did you see the tiny baby fox at the bottom?
This one is visually super pretty I''m not super impressed with ALL the floral repeated patterns though :/
Creepy and cute again! Oh and little I got my little baby elephants! LOVE!
How cute are the little shoes and bottles of nail polish. The lady in silhouette isn't bad either!
Perfect for Christmas! I think this plate is super sweet especially the way they put the typography into a tree shape.
I find this plate hideous. Sorry but it's awful except the little fox. And their now theme which drives me somewhat batty.
I think the crosshatch patters on this plate and the lady are the best parts!
Ok this one is just SO SO everything. I want these little kissing children so badly!
Ok this girl with her glasses and the smiling cupcake. The baby Eiffel tower. I think this might be my favorite plate in the collection!
So what do you think? These plates are interesting and pretty like I said right? I actually did order a set which I will review when it arrives. I'm praying that I won't have any complaints about etching. These plates retail anywere from $22-28 for the entire set though you can purchase them individually too for about $1.99 per plate. Right now I can't say anything about which is the best seller to purchase them from, but if you go onto AliExpress and type in Dream Girl plates lots of options will pop up. I suggest reading the reviews of the sellers first to see if you can get a good gauge on the products they sale and how reliable they have been historically. Alright happy hunting stamparellas and I'll see you next post...

Wow I love no 14, so cute. I think China manufacturer also following this stamping plate trend very well. Recently I just bought the QA and Qgirl plate (both from same company) from
ReplyDeleteDoes plate 12 say "Gream" in the upper left?
ReplyDeleteYup. It's pretty clear I'm sure it was just a typo ;) Lol
ReplyDeleteRight! The manufacturers finally got on board I'm just unhappy with how many have chosen to steal the MoYou London designs and manufacture them as their own :(
ReplyDeleteFYI I just received these plates in the mail. They do have the logo "JUST THE ONE" on every plate.
ReplyDeleteYeah I know I have the plates already. I got them about 2 weeks ago I just didn't bother to update the post :)