
Sunday, December 28, 2014

AliExpress Jelly Soft/Extra Soft XL Replacement Stamping Pad Review (UPDATED)

Hey stamp champs,

This little review today is for the AliExpress Jelly Soft XL replacement pads that have been garnering some attention recently in a few of my nail art groups and for my good friend Yvette.  I think these pads are what I've decided to dub the 2nd Generation marshmallow stamper and I'll tell you more about why I feel that way later. Never heard of a marshmallow stamper before? No problem read all about em and the original version here.   This is my first time doing a stamper review, but apparently lots of ladies are as obsessed about their stampers as I am so I will try to include more reviews of these items in the future.  As I always ask please leave comments, questions, and feedback on my reviews.  They are a lot of work and every little bit of response helps me out as a blogger.  Also if you read nothing else at least read the Final Impression because info there may affect your decision to purchase. Now let's get started!

Lacquer Lockdown - AliExpress stampers, AliExpress Jelly Soft stampers, nail art stamping blog, jelly soft stampers, marshmallow stampers, marshmallow 2.0, nail art, product review

Jelly Soft Stamping Pads

This set was purchased from Yiwu Oshine Beauty E-Commerce Firm, sheez what a mouthful,on AliExpress.  Each set comes with a double ended gray colored squishy firm stamper which may look familiar to my coveted and much loved FabUrNails one.  It also comes with a scraper and 5 XL replacement pads composed of silicone that have a jelly like appearance.

Lacquer Lockdown - AliExpress stampers, AliExpress Jelly Soft stampers, nail art stamping blog, jelly soft stampers, marshmallow stampers, marshmallow 2.0, nail art, product review

Straight out of the wrapper all of these pads have a slightly sticky feeling to them.  Some more than others depending on the color.

Material & Composition

So as I said these stampers are composed of silicone however they are so unlike any stamper I have ever come across except the Creative Shop stamper, namely because it is composed of the same material as these stampers.  I know you are wondering "Are they marshmallow stampers Tamira?" The answer is yes-ish.  I decided most of these stampers are sticky and squishy except the purple which is basically a squishy firm.  However they are nothing like the old marshmallow stampers both in the kind of stickiness or the material they are manufactured from.  They do in fact feel and jiggle like jelly! In fact they have a consistency that in more on par with gelatin than silcone hence I have dubbed these type of stampers the Marshmallow 2.0.  Maybe these are the manufacturers' way of responding to our requests for marshmallow stampers while building a product that is a bit more durable and travel friendly than the standard marshmallow stampers

Measurements & Comparisons

Each of the replacement pads measures 2.5 x 2.5 cm length by width.  In case you are wondering that's pretty much standard size to what all XL pads measure so they will fit into your black XL holders etc as any would.

So here's something that may put a bit of a thrill into your life and make you want to squeal with glee. I created another one of my massive comparison charts again.  This time instead of doing it for the sizes of image plates instead I did it for yup you guessed it - stampers!  Not only that I took the liberty of comparing every stamper to another and trying to give you their equivalent measure across another brand.  Not to shabby eh?  After this post the chart will also be located on it's own page as a resource :)

Lacquer Lockdown Stamper Comparison Chart
Similar To
Generic Rectangular Green/Red Stampers
Messy Mansion  XL Replacement
Round or Rectangle
Dark Purple
Generic Rectangular Stampers
Domed Rectangle
Squishy Firm
Winstonia Store XL Replacements (current)
Messy Mansion XL Replacement (current)
Off White
Squishy Firm
Winstonia Store XL Replacements (current)
Winstonia Store Replacement Heads (current)
Squishy Firm
Messy Mansion XL White Replacements (current)
FabUrNails Double Ended Gray
Squishy Firm
Messy Mansion Replacement XL (current)
FabUrNails XL Replacement Pads (current)
Squishy Firm
Most generic XL stampers including WInstonia
Messy Mansion Medium Firm
Pastel Blue/Navy
Squishy Firm
AliExpress Pinkish Purple
Pinkish Purple
Jelly Silicone
Squishy Firm
Messy Mansion Medium Firm
Cici and Sisi Jumbo Set Stampers*
Messy Mansion Medium Firm (sold as sets only)
Bunny Nails XL Stamper (3 years old)
Messy Mansion Medium
Messy Mansion Medium
Pastel Green/Olive
Bunny Nails Stamper (old)
Magno Nails Stamper & Replacement Pads*
Messy Mansion Medium or
AliExpress Black XL Replacement
Jelly Silicone
Marshmallow 2.0
AliExpress Opaque/White / FabUrNails XL Replacement (old)
Messy Mansion Medium Soft
Pastel Yellow/Brown
MagnoNails XL Stamper
FabUrNails XL Replacement (old)
Messy Mansion Medium Soft
Messy Mansion Soft
FabUrNails XL Replacement (old)
AliExpress Red XL Replacement
Bright red
Jelly Silicone
Marshmallow 2.0
Bunny Nails XL Stamper (old)
AliExpress Light Opaque XL Replacement
Jelly Silicone
Marshmallow 2.0
AliExpress Light Pink/ FabUrNails XL Replacement (old)
AliExpress Light Pink XL Replacement
Light pink
Jelly Silicone
Marshmallow 2.0
AliExpress Opaque/White / FabUrNails XL Replacement (old)
Winstonia Store XL Replacement (old)
Ultimate Marshmallow
MyOnline Shop XL Replacement
Ultimate Marshmallow
This table is in order of the most firm to the most marshmallow i.e. squishy/sticky in a descending list.  *Indicates stamper becomes somewhat marshmallow grade AFTER priming

I also have a 15 minute video that I prepared with all the stampers and visual comparison of different competitors to this set of five.


These stamper swatches were done with Mundo de Unas Black (2) and FabUrNails FUN 13. As you know Mundo de Unas has long been one of my gold standards and my FUN plate have excellent etching.  I used the FUN plate here to emphasize the pick up with thick lines.  I also swatched these plates using DRK Nails Designer Series 1 plate to emphasize pick up with thin lines.  As you can see some heads for the thin lines didn't pick up quite as well, but they all did well with thick lines.

These are the thin line swatches using the DRK plate below.

So the swatches are okay.  I'm a bit disappointed by the pick up for thinner lines, but that's not the case for all of the heads.  Also I found that while the heads fit into the stamper they came with they often didn't stay in when I went to stamp.  Because of this I switched the stampers to one of my old silver XL cap holders from FabUrNails and then I got much better results with the swatches. Unfortunately, I had a little snafu with my camera and wasn't able to capture great images with my camera of how the heads stamped unprimed but you will have to trust me when I say the results were pretty horrible.  You have to prime these stampers for best results.  Not a big deal but you will be very frustrated with these if you don't.


Final Impression

So I'll be honest these replacement pads are nice, but I still don't believe they are as reliable in terms of pickup as compared to my old marshmallow stampers except the pink head as cross all kinds of plates and I question if I would have gotten such great pick up if I used anything but stamping polish i.e. like a regular polish.  If I had to rank them now though I'd say compared to the Creative Shop stamper they are much better.  No gimmicks or tricks like rolling are necessary you can just press straight down and get your image. So since many of you do not have access to the old marshmallows and the Messy Mansion ones are often sold out I think these could serve as a potential good alternative to other options on the market.  However they are not a necessity in any sense of the word if you already have marshmallow stamper available.

I also don't think these stampers, other than semi unique color, will offer the well stocked stamper anything truly different from what you already own.  Here's what I mean by that - essentially you will get 2 squishy firm stamper (purple and gray squishy firm), some mid level marshmallow 2.0's with moderately good pickup.  Again I'll disinclude the pink pad from this since it was the most exemplary performer. On top of this I already own the Messy Mansion pro set so these colors aside from the black aren't terribly unique for me.

Also one important point that I think you should know is apparently the quality of these pads depends on the batch in which they were made.   The formula from which the pads are made changes slightly from batch to batch such that you have no way of knowing whether you are going to get stampers consistent with my results. Worth knowing right? My own are from the 2nd batch I believe. I know another stamping fanatic and friend of mine said the red stamper she received was harder than mine and her purple one was also harder meaning she got fewer marshmallow stampers than I did despite ordering from the same seller.  We must have had different batches so fair warning.

Now if you are interested in purchasing these items you can find the set here.  It retails for $9.43 USD.  Again as I said in my video shipping is free and AE ships worldwide.  I don't know anything about bank charges in international countries such as the UK since I'm based in the US.  Anyhoo there we have it.  I hope this review was helpful and please don't forget to leave feedback! Thanks for reading and I'll see you next post....


  1. Great chart! I'm somewhat confused by it (my fault not your chart hehe) So, the Cici & Sisi ones are the small pink (with gray pad) stampers that come with the large square stamping plates in the pink/white/yellow/orange cases? And the Winstonia ones - when did the older style become extinct? My Winstonia stamper seems a bit softer than my C & S ones. (And I only got my Winstonia one last February. New to nail art here) But I'm not sure 'ultimate' marshmallow would apply.

    The reason I ask is, I would like to get some MM replacement heads, and I'm not sure which to get. I want at least as soft as my Winstonia...possibly softer. I think my C curve is pretty strong, sometimes my sidewalls don't get transferred well and I have to start over.

  2. ...They seem kind of meh to me. I don't know why. I was about to give them a try, since you made a review (I was like "omg Tamira made a stamper review omg, this probably is a must-have" lol) but after reading the post and watching the video, I think I'll pass.At least for now. Anyway, I'm currently in a love relationship with my Creative Shop stamper (You don't like yours?) so I'll be faithful until something better than it (him?) appears on the market lol

  3. Lol it's ok it's a lot to take in and I have a lot of stampers. So if you go back to my post "What is a marshmallow stamper?" I talk about the old Winstonia Store stampers a lot. I have it in this video as well. I believe they were gone well before the end of winter of 2014. So by your timing your stamper could be the old Winstonia Store marshmallow or not. You can try comparing your stamper to mine in both videos and then you will be able to tell. Why do I call them ultimate? Because other than the MOS ones I have never found a softer or stickier stamper that works as well. All current ones from Winstonia are squishy soft and therefore cannot be marshmallow stampers.

    And yes the Cici & Sisi stampers are the pink/grey ones that come with each set. You should be able to tell which pads will work best from MM by the chart, but I think the pink set will work best for you. Though I will also tell you it is not as soft as the old Winstonia one. The chart itself is in order of hardest to softest stampers. So while MM pink/soft set is good it will not be as soft as the old winstonia marshmallow

  4. Exactly. They are just kinda ok not stampers that you absolutely have to have if you are trying to decide what to purchase or how to get the best bang out of your buck. Lol you know I write and post bad and good reviews. This is the strength of my blog I think. If something is great I'll blog about it so my followers can get it, but if its so so or crap it also goes up so you know not to waste any money. Lol!

    As to the Creative Shop stamper I think it's overrated for a number of reasons. That's just my opinion though. I know a lot of ladies love it, but I know my old Winstonia and FabUrNails marshmallows are better stampers and less finicky to deal with than the CS stamper so for me it's like hmmm the latest "flavor of the month". Not better than anything else I own and one reason it's not on the chart is because I plan on reviewing it too :)

  5. Thank you for replying! I managed to miss the video because I read in Feedly and it didn't show the video. (and then clicked over here and didn't reread, just scrolled on down to post lol) A Minus for Feedly - but if I didn't use it I wouldn't be able to keep up with the blogs I want to keep up with :P

    ANYHOO -- I think from the video, AND removing my pads to squish, (I was leaving them in the holder before.duh me.) I have the new generation Winstonia - that pleases me because I'd like to go a bit softer! The C&S is softer but too small for my very large/wide fingernails. (and thus hard to gauge if it would be soft ENOUGH.) I think I'll try the pink MM as you've recommended - thanks!

  6. First, thank you for taking the time to do this post. Next, I have just one stamper, which is not a marshmallow kind. It's also white which makes it really difficult to pick up white designs. I'm looking to buy a new set. What would you recommend?

  7. I like the stamper because it's big and soft and after you get the hang of it you get very crisp images with little to none white spots on the designs, compared to the regular squishy firm stampers. It's great but I find the fact that you have to roll instead of pressing down onto the plate to be able to pick up a good image a little bit annoying. I don't like rolling and I never mastered that in the past with my other stampers, so being forced to do that with this one is kinda a let down to me. Also, the fact that I couldn't get a crip image with any polish but a special one (Mundo de Uñas and Handy) when I was testing it out. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but it's not a perfect stamper as we sometimes make it sound to be. I recently got a small and squishy firm rectangular stamper from Aliexpress that I also like a lot. In the end, I think the thing with stampers is to have a good variety so you'll use the ones that suit your needs the moment you need them. And since the CS is not particulary expensive, it's not a bad thing to give it a try, at least to know what the fuss is about.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Wow that's a lot to take in but thank you for putting all that time & effort into it! Is there any way you could add a column to the chart indicating whether or not the stamper needs to be primed before using & what works best on how to prime them? I've got several other stampers besides the Konad (Winstonia-the older version I believe, Cici & Sisi, Fab Ur Nails, etc) but haven't even attempted using any of them b/c I don't want to ruin them! lol

  10. This must have been a lot of work! Which all your readers, including me, truly appreciate! With so many stampers on the market its always good to get reviews from those who have been stamping for ages. I will keep checking your blog for updates on this massive but great stamping head chart.

  11. Lol Lizzy you said a lot I agree with, but of course since i have the stamper I have tried it and used it. It's just compared to other stampers I own and love its a bit finicky for many of the reasons you stated. IMO the only advantage this stamper has over the others is its size and like you said it doesn't work particularly well with other polishes. I actually think the stamper is a bit overpriced as well since the base price of it has been recently raised and after you combine that with shipping things start to get a bit out of hand. Of course I try and give a long trial to every product I buy or am sent for review. It's not a favorite of mine and I'm ok with that. I know what the fuss is about I'm just not in agreement with the fuss ;)

  12. You're welcome! Are you interested in owing a marshmallow? There are many different colored head stampers from Messy Mansion that might fit well with your needs and they go from firm to squishy firm to soft (which is the equivalent of marshmallow). Otherwise this set is not a bad investment for the price point.

  13. When I got it, it wasn't that expensive, so I was lucky. But if I have to be honest with you, I'll stick with the one that I got and don't buy another one. As I said, I like it, but to me it's not the ultimate stamper. I was a little bit dissapointed, tbh, because when I saw the review that started all the fuss, I saw so many things that made it seems better than it actually is.ANW, I already have it and I can't change anything about that lol.

    Now, about good stampers, I have my eyes on some from Messy Mansion and I'm looking for another good one. Something that will pick up any kind of polish and I don't have to roll it onto the plate to make it workd. Since your favorite it's extinct already, which one do you recommend me?

  14. Thank you for the great post! I'm waiting on these to arrive from a group buy ($.50 per head is well worth it to try something new) and I'm kind of glad to see that they have a bit of variety in squishiness - some stampers seem to work better with some plates for me, so having more to pick from is good. Plus the novelty of the colors! The seller offered other colors for our group buy as well, so looking forward to seeing how they work out :)

  15. Thanks girl! That chart actually was something i started for the Messy Mansion Pro Set and then my computer broke taking the file with it :/ I just was able to recover the files this weekend and since I was posting the review I figured I'd toss this in as well rather than letting it accumulate dust. I hope this was helpful for you :) And yup I'll keep updating the chart as I get more stampers etc :)

  16. Oh that's great! Do let me know apparently the squishy factor varies from batch to batch so hopefully all of your heads were made in the same batch during the GB otherwise everyone might have very different stampers at the end and not necessarily in a good way. But for .50 cent per stamper its not a bad investment as you said.

  17. Ohh I've never heard of Feedly before I'll have to check it out! No worries I always reply to anyone who takes the time to comment. I also like the Cici and Sisi stampers but like you said they are way too short for my nails as well. I added it to the chart because I thought maybe ladies with shorter nails might have a better time with them. Let me know how you like the pink MM stamper. I think it's a good choice all around :)

  18. -- it pulls in the newsfeeds for various blogs etc. I have blogs for all my interests...50+ blogs I like to read but really can't visit THAT many blogs in a day, updated or not... but with feedly, I click on the category (that I set up) for what I feel like reading at the moment, and all the new posts for all the blogs that fit that category are shown :) (and there's a mobile app which is even better. lol)

  19. Right lol well I'm glad we can talk like this :) Honestly I will try to be as fair as possible about all the products I review you will never have to worry that I will always tell the truth. Of course this is like a double edged knife for me because companies obviously would prefer great reviews, but over here they'll be getting the truth or bust LOLOLOLOLOL! Ahem now anyway you have the ones from MM or you are looking at some? Pink, green, and yellow sets are all marshmallows with varying degrees of squish from MM my favorites are the pink and yellow sets. Let's see I still love my Magno Nails stamper. It's wonderful and BIG! it is the 2nd biggest stamper after the CS one. Despite this set being iffy I do really like the pink head in the set thought $9 might be a lot to pay for just one head ;) Lol. Right now I have my eye on one other new stamper. I just need to test it out a bit before giving you a big buy this thumbs up, but it's looking very promising :) I will shoot you a message on FB

  20. Lol you say it's a lot to take in but then ask me to add more! The irony of this isn't lost on me ;) So I think that your idea has merit but honestly what you're asking for is more than what would fit in a single column. Maybe I can come up with a separate post for you, but for now if you have a specific question about how to prime your stampers I'd be happy to help. In fact there's an upcoming blog post in the works to address that issue :)

  21. I haven't had the chance to purchase any of the MM stamper heads that I want (the soft and the medium soft). They are always out of stock when I go looking for them :( I really want to buy them, but I want to do it together with some plates so I just make one order and deal with the shipping rate in one go, since the conversion from dollar to dominican pesos make the prices too high for me sometimes.

    About the stampers, please do! I always check your blog every few days or so, but if you send me a message on FB or tag me in a post in Nail Stampaholic, it'll be better.

  22. You should sign up for the email alerts when the product restocks if you haven't already. Personally I do understand the shipping is becoming a real problem these days so it's better to maximize your orders and minimize shipping whenever possible especially for international mail. Though I know it can be difficult with the MM website since it's in and out of stocks all the time :/

  23. Love the post! Quick question. When you were priming the stampers they look like they got darker before the priming. At least to the image they look darker. Does that effect when you are stamping on your nails or picking up an image?

    Love ya darling! Thanks!

  24. Hey hun! They didn't get darker just the lighting wasn't that great when I took the photos. I'm getting ready to totally redo the photos actually because when I did them it wasn't with my usual setup. Priming itself does nothing to your nails. It does affect pickup by improving the quality of pick up in general i.e. that's the whole point of priming a stamper. I think the photos are just throwing you off :)

  25. Look at that! yesterday I did what you told me and signed up for email alerts for the two stamper heads (the pink and the yellow sets) and today I received a mail saying that they are back in stock lol That's what I call luck. Thanks for the advise, darling :)

  26. Oh a little fairy must have whispered in my ear ;) Lol no but I'm glad you got them. You'd be surprised I really think the warehouse restocks every few days or so so if sign up for the alerts of items you want when you get the notification you can just rush over and get what you want :)

  27. Hahaha I hadn't even thought about that. lol Thank you so much for all the work you put into this & I look forward to your next post! I've now saved your blog to my favorites on my tool bar. lol

  28. You're welcome! Feel free to stop by any time especially if you have ideas or suggestions about things you'd like to see!

  29. Great review and very informative post. I need to buy one best of squishy stampers but all stampers i saw had good review so still confused. Though i was more inclined to buy BPS or AE black Xl squishy's to try first. Any idea how is BPS squishy stamper?

  30. Great review! So detailed...! I am a nailartist frm india and mostly do free hand. I kind of hate stamping as i have never got it right. I have only one stamper. Konad. U think this stamper u reviewed is a good deal for me? Or should i go for amthin else? What do u recommend? I wanna get stamping perfect....please help... thanks!

  31. I don't have the BPS stamper so I couldn't tell you though. I believe I was told it is very soft. Since I don't have it I can't give you an opinion but I do think these replacement pads are a very good deal. Essentially you would be getting 6 stampers for $9 and shipping is free. The quality too is good if you don't already own a marshmallow stamper.

  32. Thank you hun :) Hmmm yeah I understand honestly the Konad stamper is not one of my favorites, but I made it work for years until I got something I liked better. Personally if you don't have any squishy firms or marshmallow stampers I think this set is perfect for you. I think you will also find that its a lot easier to stamp with these kinds of stampers compared to the Konad one which is rubber since these are silicone. If you haven't seen it please look over my Beginner's Series on nail art stamping - type that into the search box and it will pop right up. I have a lot of information up in that post that might be helpful for you! Let me know if you have any other questions and good luck!

  33. wow i'm really impressed with your review and the chart you put together. i only stamp occasionally so i often feel out of the loop on the latest when it comes to stamping. thank you for keeping me posted! ;)

  34. Thanks hun! lol its ok I mean I'm pretty obsessive about my little hobby here so it makes sense that I'd be really on top of everything ;) I will try to keep the chart and everything as updated as possible too it has it's own page at the top now :)

  35. Thanks for such an in depth review.

  36. I'm a little confused. I haven't started stamping yet but I have fab ur nails stamping heads from march 2014. Do you know when the change happened? Just wondering if mine are harder or softer and therefore which others on the list I should be looking at :)

  37. To be honest I'm getting a bit rusty on the days but it would have been before the winter of 2014. In any case it would be easier for you just to assess what kind of stamper you own i.e. rather than asking when the change happened you should just ask yourself if your stamper is a marshmallow stamper. If it is or isn't then you have yourself an answer :) You can check the linked post here if your confused about what a marshmallow stamper is ---->

  38. I guess I got lucky with my creative stamper- I don't have to roll it to pick up the image, I just press down and it's fine.
    I own the messy mansion pink and also the moyou xl rectangular and they are such a PITA always popping out of the holder (and I don't own a glue gun). I've considered super gluing them in but am worried that it might damage the silicone somehow.
    I think my favourites are the new fab ur nails in the gold cap and the creative- I do roll them bc I have a very strong C-curve side to side but they are soft enough that I get the image down the sides of my nails more often than not (but certainly not all the time).
    I'm wondering if I would like my super squishy sticky stampers if they actually stayed put in the holder :p

  39. You did likely but the issue isn't really rolling the stamper for me so much as the tiny bald patches it leaves on every single mani because of incomplete pick up. It drives me insane because all of my photos show the flaws and its frustrating and annoying. It makes it look like either the plate is flawed or the polish when its actually the stamper :/ I do actually roll across my nails though because I also have a very pronounced C curve. Its the reason I prefer marshmallow stampers to all else. I have the old fab ur nails in the silver caps they are classic marshmallows and perfect! I also have the pro kit from messy mansion all 3 sets of her marshmallows are perfect. I do also own the new MoYou London ones as well, at some point i have to get around to reviewing them, but if you take out the round MYL marsh and put it in the fab ur nails cap you'll have no problem with it falling out. I'm not a huge fan of the rectangular stampers in general so I need to actually try using them before I give any thoughts. I had the old ones which were always hard and so I wasn't a fan of those :/

  40. Yeah, I've heard that's an issue. I honestly haven't used it enough to notice but I will definitely keep my eye on that.
    I guess my biggest confusion is how best to use the super soft stampers.
    I try pressing them down so they cover the entire nail (including the sides) but that distorts the image. So I end up having to roll them to get the sides of my nails (I have a strong c-curve also), which makes me confused as to why a medium firm isn't the same since you still end up having to roll the stamper regardless of softness... does that make sense?
    Like, what's the benefit of the softness if you still have to roll?

  41. I guess I don't really understand your question. Personally marshmallow stampers work the best for me because of the length and pronounced curve on my nails. I am not a "pressing" stamper and I never have been. There's nothing wrong with that method, but I've always rolled across my nail from the first Konad stamper I owned. You get the best coverage and placement that way regardless of stamper type. I need the stretch and elongation that a marshmallow stamper provides. If I'm worried about image distortion then I use a squishy firm stamper to minimize that concern.

    The reason I purchased the CS stamper in the first place is because of the larger surface area. With such a large stamper, if it had worked as it was supposed to, I would have been able to create decals etc for more than 1 nail at a time or cover more of my longer nails. In either case a firm, squishy firm, or marshmallow I didn't buy any of them with the intent to not roll because that's how I stamp. I think you just need to decide which stamper you prefer to use and stick with that or you can use your stampers for a specific purpose like I do.

    If you want to press straight down onto your nail given you have C-curves then a marshmallow stamper is probably your best best since it conforms to the nail bed with the most ease out of all the different types. However if you want to press down and not have distortion then a squishy firm may be your best bet though you won't get perfect coverage along the sides. It's totally up to you. Most importantly just have fun with it. If you don't like a stamper you can also just sell it since the marker for resale is pretty good :)

  42. Thank you sooooo much for this comment. I assumed people used the super squishy stampers by pressing down, not rolling. I thought that was what the difference was and why people with high c curves used them. I didn't realise that rolling was still a preferred method.
    I had a play last night with my messy mansion (it works brilliantly in the FUN holder :) thank you!) with rolling and pressing and I much prefer rolling, but I like the give of the material much more than say my konad.
    I honestly thought you were "supposed" to press with a squishy, roll with a firm.
    Thanks again, you rock :)

  43. Thank you sweets and no problem! That's the whole point of this blog to answer questions and share tips and my passion for plates. I've been at it for so long I think I forget not everyone has the same experience I do with various stampers, plates, etc. The first time I saw someone press I was like ???? I think regardless of the type of stamper you have pressing always causes some distortion unless your nail beds are absolutely flat. There are some girls like that but I'm not one. Love the roll and use that FUN holder <3 I have a ton for that exact reason. If you look at any of my tutorials you will notice I never ever hold one of the old black XL stampers. Even when the pad/stamping head is different its always in a FUN holder that includes my new MoYou London marshmallows. Right now I only have the old FUN holders though I'd like to pick up some of the new ones :)


I love hearing your thoughts so please leave comments! However please be respectful and do not leave blog links or other links to products. If you'd like me to check out your blog or product please email me.