
Friday, January 16, 2015

Hot Off The Stamping Press: New Born Pretty Store Nail Art Stamping Plates

Hey stamperistas,

Get ready for some hot fire because the stamping press is sizzling again and Born Pretty Store is once again the cause.  They will be releasing two new sets of plates on the 20th of January again for 0.99 cents per plate.  I have high expectations after their last several releases so without further ado let's just jump right in and see what is up for offer...

Lacquer Lockdown - stampers, stamping, born pretty store, born pretty store nail art stamping plates, nail art stamping blog, nail art stampingk nails, diy nail art, cute nail art ideas, new stamping plates 2015, stamping plates, cute nail art ideas

Here we go....

A journey around the globe is the feeling these first 4 plates give off.   The images on the first two plates are awesome and highly original so I love them!  I also like the USA plate though that hat is a dead dupe of an image from Bundle Monster.  Can anyone tell me what these balls say on plate 39? I can't read it and I don't get it....

Ok here's where things start to go horribly wrong for me.  What is up with all these dupes? Plate 40 has images from Sugar Bubbles (the bow), Messy Mansion (the rose), the navigation start is from Winstonia, and the laces and zipper, which are old as heck and I don't like btw, are from the original FUN 1 and 2 plates.  On plate 41 the right most image of the vines or waves of V's is from an old BM plate like Gen 2, the leaves are also a dupe image as are the dots and lines on 43 and the intersecting geometric lines on 42.  Sigh.  This is really disappointing.  One thing that always excited me about the BPS plates is that they were coming out with really novel images and listening to their customers and actualizing some of our requests.  Even if these are all stock images that are legitimately purchased and repurposed it's still kind of sad that they didn't just wait to create new and original images for their fans.

BPA 44 as 2 lace images from Emily de Molly and the cross hatch with flowers is from Lilic. Plate 45 is original and cute.

Better but why is BP49 a verbatim duplicate of Hehe 13?  I mean this plate is really popular from Hehe,  In fact the first Sailor Moon plates that came out were from Hehe and no one else.  I can't believe that they took the whole plate...

All fairly original here and BP51 is by far the coolest though that peacock feather also looks like the one from my Emily de Molly plate but cropped a bit more.

Fairly original though that owl in the upper right hand corner looks familiar to me, but then there are so many owl plates these days I would be shocked if one wasn't already used.  Btw I couldn't help but notice that the mega popular flower from Winstonia Store was also on this plate :?

So what do you think? Ok so I'm not thrilled about this release.  I'm a bit disappointed really that BPS wasted an opportunity to present us with new and exiting plates and instead just recycled images that we've already seen before.  For myself I have to buy plates that are novel and new because I have a large collection and I don't want a bunch of replicas.  This release would probably be better for someone starting out their collection and doesn't have as many plates.  Getting them during the sale would also be good because they will be very reasonably priced.  In any case you can find these plates on the Born Pretty website now, but wait till the 20th to get them on sale.  Happy hunting and I'll see you next post....


  1. Not impressed. I want maybe 4 of them. I will wait to see what their prices are on the 20th.

  2. Agreed. They will be .99 cents per plate ;)

  3. Hmm, it says Low to .99. The last sale, not all round plates were .99. Some were 1.49 and some 1.99 I think.

  4. The new ones are always 0.99cents except the rectangular ones because they are bigger. At least that's been my experience for every release.

  5. The rose was indeed stolen. I purchased it as an off square design, which I adapted (thickened up some of the petals because they were too thin, added petals, adjusted it to a rectangle shape etc. That one at least is outright theft. :(


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