Let's keep the ball rolling cause the press is sizzling! Today I'm pleased to show you the latest greatest coolest most awesomest plates being released by Loja BBF. You all know I love this company a lot right? Run by the generous and super cool Cris it's the Brazilian indie that stole my heart over a year ago and never let go!
Sugar skulls, tigers, and tattoos be still my heart! The roses in particular are just killing me here. They are screaming out for some advanced techniques and I'll be happy to oblige ;)
Aurora sleeps and wakes. Aurora is sleeping beauty and her prince is charming if not sincere. If you've seen the movie Into The Woods then you know what I'm talking about lol. Gorgeous plate!
My favorite villain next to Ursula and Cruella de Ville is Malificient. Evil, cunning, and driven - frankly she is exactly what a villain should be. When she lays that curse on Aurora my heart just skips a beat. The whole time I was thinking prick your finger and be lost to despair mwhahahaha! Awful I know. Am I the only one in the world rooting for the antagonist? Probably, but I don't care I need this plate!
Another plate full of potential. This one is also crying out for some advanced stamping technique so I'll have to oblige ;)
Lacey abstracts? Abstracty lace? Whatever I think the lace movement is stronger than ever. People are still dying for it and plates are still popping up everywhere with this decadent theme. Loving the lower right hand corner here! Oy oy what am I saying? I love it all gimme!
Lace for days and darlings its delicious!
In case you were still feeling like the lace earlier wasn't enough here are some more options. These patterns are beautiful! Second from the left in particular is so unique to any other pattern I've seen before.
Even more stunning lace on offer than before these designs are gorgeous! Ugh I'm dying I want them all!
OMG this is epic! Epic and a really strong note to end on. Who doesn't love the beautiful and awesome majesty of Beauty and the Beast? I remember being obsessed with this movie as a child. To this day I can sing any song in the movie without looking up the lyrics. My personal favorite was Gaston and the opening song Belle. "There goes the baker with his tray like always. The same old bread and rolls to sell..." Ahh so cute! The best part of this plate though is that it mimics stained glass and for those that saw my Christmas pueen nail art you know I am a HUGE fan of stained glass.
So what do you think? Dying of plategasm? I mean how ridiculously awesome is this last release from Loja BBF? Right now you can find these plates at Tons & Cores which is a redistributor of Loja BBF. I have purchased plates there myself and the customer service is great. These plates will also be available in the BBF webstore soon. You can stalk her Facebook page for the latest updates although word of warning - BBF no longer ships stateside due to some unscrupulous buyers so a redistrubutor may be your best bet. As usual happy hunting stamp champs and I'll see you next post...

Oh, those are super pretty! I want, but I am banned at the moment from buying plates, I got too many already to be able to use them all for all the manis this year ;)
ReplyDeleteLol I understand. I had a ban on while ago it was awful my wishlist grew like 20 feet because of that!