Hiya stamperistas,
Ready for some more new nail art stamping plates? It actually slowed down quite a bit from the top of the year, but as usual several brands have decided to release a few plates for the spring so we are faced with big tidal waves of releases instead of a steady trickle. So today I'm going to turn the tap on so you don't get left behind in the squall ;) MyOnline Shop is getting ready to release another set of 7 plates in a scant few days so let's take a look.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Friday, February 27, 2015
Hot Off The Stamping Press: MoYou London Suki Collection Expansion and St Patrick's Day Special Edition Plate!
Hey stamp champs,
Running a bit behind on my weekly MoYou London post but here it is YASSS the Suki Collection is finally finally expanding! How I have waited with baited breath and arms akimbo for this very moment! Fly to me my sweetest loves! Ahem pardon my plate rant but you know lol a girl just has the things she loves right? Lol so let's take a look....
Running a bit behind on my weekly MoYou London post but here it is YASSS the Suki Collection is finally finally expanding! How I have waited with baited breath and arms akimbo for this very moment! Fly to me my sweetest loves! Ahem pardon my plate rant but you know lol a girl just has the things she loves right? Lol so let's take a look....
Thursday, February 26, 2015
10.1 Perfect Polish St Patricks Day Limited Edition Trio Swatches and Nail Art
Hey stamp champs,
Today I have some swatches and nail art for you from 10.1 Perfect Polish for their St. Patricks Day Trio. You know its never too early to start thinking about binge drinking on green beer and trying to sort out whatever percentage of Irish roots you may or may not actually have. Lol. In any case last year around this time I went pretty crazy for the holiday art, but this year I tried keep things either glam or very wearable. You may noticed my nail shape changed, but its only temporary since I had some bad breaks and decided to do a trial run of a new nail shape using tips. Jury is still out but let's take a look at all the pretty greens and golds....
Today I have some swatches and nail art for you from 10.1 Perfect Polish for their St. Patricks Day Trio. You know its never too early to start thinking about binge drinking on green beer and trying to sort out whatever percentage of Irish roots you may or may not actually have. Lol. In any case last year around this time I went pretty crazy for the holiday art, but this year I tried keep things either glam or very wearable. You may noticed my nail shape changed, but its only temporary since I had some bad breaks and decided to do a trial run of a new nail shape using tips. Jury is still out but let's take a look at all the pretty greens and golds....
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Fab Ur Nails Spring Quatrefoil Nail Art (Alcohol Ink Method)
Hey stamperistas,
Finally freaking finally I'm starting to get a stronger grasp on this whole alcohol ink (EtoH ink) jazz. Its been a struggle, but because I have struggled I'm preparing an epic style video tutorial and post to help you guys from having the same frustrating problems I did. In any event today I was able to get this going with a lot more ease that I had the last few attempts. Wait ease is the wrong word more like at the end I was able to figure out what the hell I was doing enough that the last 2 nails were less of a challenge to produce. Essentially the entire premise of this nail art was based on a blog post I saw for paper crafting using alcohol inks. The stamp the blogger used looked exactly like the quatrefoil pattern that's on one of my newer FUN plates and from there the rest was history....
Finally freaking finally I'm starting to get a stronger grasp on this whole alcohol ink (EtoH ink) jazz. Its been a struggle, but because I have struggled I'm preparing an epic style video tutorial and post to help you guys from having the same frustrating problems I did. In any event today I was able to get this going with a lot more ease that I had the last few attempts. Wait ease is the wrong word more like at the end I was able to figure out what the hell I was doing enough that the last 2 nails were less of a challenge to produce. Essentially the entire premise of this nail art was based on a blog post I saw for paper crafting using alcohol inks. The stamp the blogger used looked exactly like the quatrefoil pattern that's on one of my newer FUN plates and from there the rest was history....
alcohol ink,
Fab Ur Nails,
FUN 15,
Monday, February 23, 2015
Hot Off The Stamping Press: MoYou London Pisces Zodiac Nail Art Stamping Plate!
Happy Monday stamp champs,
Just a quick post since life is getting a bit crazy for me these days! I wanted to share the latest Zodiac Collection plate with everyone for those who don't know it released from MoYou London already. This month is all about the Pisces girls who are imaginative, adaptive, kind and compassionate. I have to say I really believe MoYou did a fantastic job with the design of this plate because it is all kinds of gorgeous.....
Luna is back!
Just a quick post since life is getting a bit crazy for me these days! I wanted to share the latest Zodiac Collection plate with everyone for those who don't know it released from MoYou London already. This month is all about the Pisces girls who are imaginative, adaptive, kind and compassionate. I have to say I really believe MoYou did a fantastic job with the design of this plate because it is all kinds of gorgeous.....
Luna is back!
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Hot Off The Stamping Press: MoYou London Zodiac Collection Chinese New Year Edition Expansion!
Hey stamp champs,
Hey stamperistas,
Here we go with Part Duex of the MoYou London Zodiac Collection Chinese New Year Edition! If you didn't see Part I you can check it out here. Today we are just polishing off the remaining 5 of the Zodiac animals from the Chinese calendar. If you're wondering why 5 instead of 6 it's because MoYou London accidentally released the Ram/Goat plate early last Friday along with the first 6 plates. So let's see which characters remain!
Hey stamperistas,
Here we go with Part Duex of the MoYou London Zodiac Collection Chinese New Year Edition! If you didn't see Part I you can check it out here. Today we are just polishing off the remaining 5 of the Zodiac animals from the Chinese calendar. If you're wondering why 5 instead of 6 it's because MoYou London accidentally released the Ram/Goat plate early last Friday along with the first 6 plates. So let's see which characters remain!
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Hot Off The Stamping Press: Bundle Monster XL Nail Art Stamping Plates!
Welcome back stamp champs
Today I just wanted to share a quick post with you about the newest plates released by Bundle Monster today. If you follow Bundle Monster regularly you know that they just released the Secret Garden Collection about 2 weeks ago then last week announced they would be releasing the another set of rectangular plates with XL sized imaging for us longer nailed ladies. For those that were expecting new designs thats not the case, but rather Bundle Monster is taking their most popular images from prior collections and resizing them for these plates. Frankly as someone who has always enjoyed the BM plates but felt that the images have been a bit on the smaller size of things this is a welcome change.
Today I just wanted to share a quick post with you about the newest plates released by Bundle Monster today. If you follow Bundle Monster regularly you know that they just released the Secret Garden Collection about 2 weeks ago then last week announced they would be releasing the another set of rectangular plates with XL sized imaging for us longer nailed ladies. For those that were expecting new designs thats not the case, but rather Bundle Monster is taking their most popular images from prior collections and resizing them for these plates. Frankly as someone who has always enjoyed the BM plates but felt that the images have been a bit on the smaller size of things this is a welcome change.
Monday, February 16, 2015
Orly Colorblast Neons & Nudes QGirl Geometric Nail Art
Hey lacqueristas,
Its been a while since I've posted something neon right? Lol like 5 minutes maybe? Lol ok it hasn't been that long yeah, but when the neons are so juicy how can I possibly resist? Today I'm wearing some of my favorite neon polishes in my collection...the Orly Colorblast polishes I discovered a year ago. These polishes are VERY VERY pigmented and as such very intense. For those of you that are looking for alternatives to the Pipe Dream Polish Vegas Collection these may be a great alternative. That's also one reason I decided to create this nail art along with the fact that hello I love neons ;)
Its been a while since I've posted something neon right? Lol like 5 minutes maybe? Lol ok it hasn't been that long yeah, but when the neons are so juicy how can I possibly resist? Today I'm wearing some of my favorite neon polishes in my collection...the Orly Colorblast polishes I discovered a year ago. These polishes are VERY VERY pigmented and as such very intense. For those of you that are looking for alternatives to the Pipe Dream Polish Vegas Collection these may be a great alternative. That's also one reason I decided to create this nail art along with the fact that hello I love neons ;)
advanced stamping,
nail art,
QGirl 12
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Valentines Day 2014:The Bitter & Sweet Valentine (Bestie Twin Nails)
Hey stamp champs,
I was just talking to my actual bestie Johanne the owner of FabUrNails and I told her oh my god I'm so sick of hearts and pink and love. I said it just like that and went on to say I'm protesting over all this crap and if I see one more heart or flower on my Intagram feed I'm going to explode. Of course she just laughed at which point I said no I'm serious in fact I'm wearing some serious dark hearts and blacked soul nail art. Lol and hence our bestie twin nails were born....
I was just talking to my actual bestie Johanne the owner of FabUrNails and I told her oh my god I'm so sick of hearts and pink and love. I said it just like that and went on to say I'm protesting over all this crap and if I see one more heart or flower on my Intagram feed I'm going to explode. Of course she just laughed at which point I said no I'm serious in fact I'm wearing some serious dark hearts and blacked soul nail art. Lol and hence our bestie twin nails were born....
Fab Ur Nails,
FUN 13,
Jolie Polish,
Valentine's Day
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Wallpaper Series: Damask Leadlght Lacquer Nail Art (Alcohol Ink Method)
Hey lacqueristas,
I've got like an ancient and yet new post for your all ;) For those that have been super duper long time followers of my blog, I know few and far between right, you may remember that I have always loved and been obsessed with wallpaper. In fact I created a series here called the Wallpaper Series. It died a slow neglected death :/ Gah! In any case today it's back! Why? Because the minute I saw this Leadlight Lacquer plate from Messy Mansion I knew damask wallpaper nail art was headed my way, and yours as well ;)
I've got like an ancient and yet new post for your all ;) For those that have been super duper long time followers of my blog, I know few and far between right, you may remember that I have always loved and been obsessed with wallpaper. In fact I created a series here called the Wallpaper Series. It died a slow neglected death :/ Gah! In any case today it's back! Why? Because the minute I saw this Leadlight Lacquer plate from Messy Mansion I knew damask wallpaper nail art was headed my way, and yours as well ;)
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Hot Off The Stamping Press: MoYou London Zodiac Nail Art Stamping Plate Expansion (Chinese Zodiac Edition)
Welcome back stamperistas,
Ohhh double post today ;) Lol really I just wanted to catch up on the Bundle Monster plate release but you know Wednesdays are generally devoted to the weekly MoYou London release ;) The reason you didn't see one last week is because there were no plates to annouce only the release of a scraper for each collection which while cute probably wouldn't have been a really exciting post lol. However this week MoYou rose to the occasion in a manner that just made me smile from ear to ear. Because I was contemplating what looks I should pull out for the Chinese New Year Moyou kindly chose to answer my thoughts ;)
Ohhh double post today ;) Lol really I just wanted to catch up on the Bundle Monster plate release but you know Wednesdays are generally devoted to the weekly MoYou London release ;) The reason you didn't see one last week is because there were no plates to annouce only the release of a scraper for each collection which while cute probably wouldn't have been a really exciting post lol. However this week MoYou rose to the occasion in a manner that just made me smile from ear to ear. Because I was contemplating what looks I should pull out for the Chinese New Year Moyou kindly chose to answer my thoughts ;)
Hot Off The Stamping Press: Bundle Monster Secret Garden Nail Art Stamping Plate Collection!
Happy Wednesday stamp champs,
I'm running behind on plate posts since I've been busy dealing with a few side projects ;) In any event I wanted to let you guys know about the new Secret Garden Collection that just released from Bundle Monster before their sale finished. I'm sure lots of you ladies already know about these since Bundle Monster has been teasing us with hints about them since the end of January but here they are at last available for purchase.

I'm running behind on plate posts since I've been busy dealing with a few side projects ;) In any event I wanted to let you guys know about the new Secret Garden Collection that just released from Bundle Monster before their sale finished. I'm sure lots of you ladies already know about these since Bundle Monster has been teasing us with hints about them since the end of January but here they are at last available for purchase.

Sunday, February 8, 2015
Glazed Spring Flowers and Swirls UberChic Beauty Nail Art
Ready for the spring lacqueritas?
Lol yeah not quite, but I'm looking forward to the warm up! In that spirit I got this little mani going today. The truth is I wish I could say - "Oh I wanted to create some spring seasonal nail art" when in fact I just really love the combination of nude and lavender. Plus I really wanted to take my new UberChic Beauty plates out for a test drive since I just reviewed them yesterday. You can take a look at that review here if you haven't seen it already. Now let's take a look at this nail art ;)

Lol yeah not quite, but I'm looking forward to the warm up! In that spirit I got this little mani going today. The truth is I wish I could say - "Oh I wanted to create some spring seasonal nail art" when in fact I just really love the combination of nude and lavender. Plus I really wanted to take my new UberChic Beauty plates out for a test drive since I just reviewed them yesterday. You can take a look at that review here if you haven't seen it already. Now let's take a look at this nail art ;)

China Glaze,
leadlight technique,
nail art,
UC 1-03
Saturday, February 7, 2015
UberChic Beauty Nail Art Stamping Plates Review!
Hey stamperistas,
I'm back with yet another all out epic full blown stamping plate review! I know I promised this review ages ago and I would have posted it, but I was holding out for some news that I think will make most of you happy ;) . Today I'm going to turn my attention to a brand that created a lot of rumblings and excitement on this blog. That's right let's talk about UberChic Beauty and their new nail art stamping plates! As usual with these reviews each portion is broken up into segments so feel free to scan through, but don't forget to leave feedback and comments as they are not only important to me but keep the blog going! All right lets get started..
I'm back with yet another all out epic full blown stamping plate review! I know I promised this review ages ago and I would have posted it, but I was holding out for some news that I think will make most of you happy ;) . Today I'm going to turn my attention to a brand that created a lot of rumblings and excitement on this blog. That's right let's talk about UberChic Beauty and their new nail art stamping plates! As usual with these reviews each portion is broken up into segments so feel free to scan through, but don't forget to leave feedback and comments as they are not only important to me but keep the blog going! All right lets get started..
Friday, February 6, 2015
Elevation Polish Minneapolish Collection Swatches and Nail Art!
Hey lacqueristas,
Time for another monthly Elevation Polish post! Yay - elevate the world!!! Lol let me stop, but seriously this months' collection, The Minneapolish Collection made me so happy and thrilled even in the heart of winter. Packed full of what I consider serious color burst and saturation. As you can guess this collection was inspired by the city of Minneapolis and some of Lulu's favorite plates scattered throughout the town. It's a reflection of her love for the city and from what I can see while she may travel the world clearly there is no place like home!
Time for another monthly Elevation Polish post! Yay - elevate the world!!! Lol let me stop, but seriously this months' collection, The Minneapolish Collection made me so happy and thrilled even in the heart of winter. Packed full of what I consider serious color burst and saturation. As you can guess this collection was inspired by the city of Minneapolis and some of Lulu's favorite plates scattered throughout the town. It's a reflection of her love for the city and from what I can see while she may travel the world clearly there is no place like home!
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Hot Off The Stamping Press: Pet'la Plate Spring 2015 Nail Art Stamping Plate Collection!
Hey stamperistas,
What did I say about the presses? Sizzling like hot tamales right? Prepare for the usual singe when it comes to one of my favorite indies - Pet'la Plate. Yas! You know this indie right? I just posted a recent re-review of her plates which you can read about here. Well our girl Petra has put her fabulous mind in gear again and came up with another season of plates worth all your avarice and lusts. Yup oooh it's been a while since I used the word lust on this blog. Though quite frankly I am always lusting after something these days - hard, metal, shiny, and unique with one of a kind imagery. I think you know what I'm talking about ladies. Let's take a peek at a few of those lusts right now....
What did I say about the presses? Sizzling like hot tamales right? Prepare for the usual singe when it comes to one of my favorite indies - Pet'la Plate. Yas! You know this indie right? I just posted a recent re-review of her plates which you can read about here. Well our girl Petra has put her fabulous mind in gear again and came up with another season of plates worth all your avarice and lusts. Yup oooh it's been a while since I used the word lust on this blog. Though quite frankly I am always lusting after something these days - hard, metal, shiny, and unique with one of a kind imagery. I think you know what I'm talking about ladies. Let's take a peek at a few of those lusts right now....
new stamping plates 2015,
Monday, February 2, 2015
Hot Off The Stamping Press: New GogoOnly St. Happy Nail Art Stamping Plate!
Quickie post today lacqueristas,
The press just keeps on rolling and I've got another new plate for you today. GogoOnly the brand I introduced here less than a month ago for their St Merry plate has now released yet another plate! Craziness right? This one is called St. Happy. I guess I can now confirm my initial conjecture that this correct that this company will be releasing several plates in a "series" under the St. " " name. I have to say the product pictures this time leave a lot to be desired so you want a better look zoomed visit the listing on Amazon. Anyway lets take a look....
The press just keeps on rolling and I've got another new plate for you today. GogoOnly the brand I introduced here less than a month ago for their St Merry plate has now released yet another plate! Craziness right? This one is called St. Happy. I guess I can now confirm my initial conjecture that this correct that this company will be releasing several plates in a "series" under the St. " " name. I have to say the product pictures this time leave a lot to be desired so you want a better look zoomed visit the listing on Amazon. Anyway lets take a look....
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Watercolor Tropical Abstract Nail Art (Alcohol Ink Method)
Hey lacqueristas,
Today I've got some soft and sweet nail art. This mani may seem familiar to those of you who watched my Double Processing video. Don't know what I'm talking about? Check it out here. Anyway today feels like the first time I'm going to take my newer Chez Delaney plates out for a spin though I've had them for a little bit now. I love these plates and I'll be doing an in depth review on them shortly but for today let's hit the beach! Oh btw EtoH equals alcohol a swifter chemical abbreviation for than spelling it out constantly ;)
Today I've got some soft and sweet nail art. This mani may seem familiar to those of you who watched my Double Processing video. Don't know what I'm talking about? Check it out here. Anyway today feels like the first time I'm going to take my newer Chez Delaney plates out for a spin though I've had them for a little bit now. I love these plates and I'll be doing an in depth review on them shortly but for today let's hit the beach! Oh btw EtoH equals alcohol a swifter chemical abbreviation for than spelling it out constantly ;)
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