
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Hot Off The Stamping Press: New Dashica Infinity Nail Art Stamping Plates (126-145)!!

Hey stamperistas,

As if your wallets really weren't screaming enough.  Lol spare me spare me!  Shirley the owner and creator behind the Dashica Beauty stamping plate brand and the very popular Infinity series is at it again.  She just released a set of 20 new plates at the top of February and now here she is again releasing another 20 plates!  Eep and I have to say as usual she has a few plates that really stand out from the crowd.  Btw this is my 2nd Hot Off post from an indie brand since all the drama here last week.  I can firmly say, though I have never posted a review of the Dashica plates, that Shirley is one of the most professional and respected international indie platemakers I've ever interacted with.  I have purchased her plates both independently and in group buys.  The quality is excellent and the service superior.  So if you are worried about purchasing please don't.  In addition, from now on I will only be posting press releases for companies I have worked with before or whose plates I own and can attest to their quality.  I will also be posting a review for the Infinity plates at some point! Now let's take a look at her latest plates....

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Bundle Monster Rectagular XL Nail Art Stamping Plate Holder Review

Hey stamp champs,

It might just be me but I feel like these  days things are getting BUSY!  I'm just hectic at home hectic at school, and now even hectic with my nails.  Lol so far behind on everything and scrambling to make the magic happen.  And speaking of magic today I'm gonna talk about these new XL holders from Bundle Monster that literally stole my breath right away from me.  Its rare for me to just jump up and buy something these days because the market is so saturated right now!  But when my friend Yvette messaged me about these in the morning I was like "add to cart"---> "add to cart" ----> "check out with paypal"-----> "done".   Yes I was that impressed.  So now that I have my holders of course I'm going to share them with you.  As usual I try to break my review up into parts so that you can scan. through.  Mainly I will be doing plate comparisons and measurements.  I did also create a short video just to show you a few things so sit back and enjoy and don't forget to leave me some feedback darlings!!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Hot Off The Stamping Press: Messy Mansion MM Series Nail Art Stamping Plates!

Hey stamp champs,

We're back at it again - if only you could see the backlog of plate post releases I need to get out! Lol. Scrambling like a mad woman to get on top of everything which is difficult when there are so many companies releasing plates ALL the time.  However I am always so freaking excited any time Messy Mansion releases anything! And you know that because I love love love me some Julia McGowan.  A lady this dedicated to novelty and quality deserves all my praises and admiration.  On top of this I don't think she's released one product that hasn't been a smash hit, and I know because I own it all! Wait redacted.  I own everything except the basics kit.  I need those little metal plates with the guides cut out and then my collection will be complete! In any case let's take a look at the next set of releases....

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Hot Off The Stamping Press: MoYou London Doodles Collection Expansion!

Hey stamperistas,

It's Wednesday which means its MoYou London time and I have to admit I waited with anticipation to see what MoYou London was going to reveal for part of their new Doodles Collection.  Last week as you know I was so excited when I saw what they unveiled.  I decided then and there I was going to scoop all these pretties but because I know MYL well I knew they were going to release an expansion the following week and lucky for me they didn't disappoint.  So let's take a look at this weeks new plates.

 The pretty lady is back!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Hot Off The Stamping Press: MoYou London Aries Zodiac Collection Nail Art Stamping Plate!

Hey stamperitas,

The time has come for the Aries ladies to take center stage with a plate of their own from the MoYou London Zodiac Collection!  For the courageous, adventurous, and lively Aries girls, according to MYL, you now have your own plate to plate about with.  I have no idea how far along we are in this collection but since the first plate was Leo in August I'd say its a safe bet that we are more than halfway there.

 Today is the first day I noticed that there has been an individual banner for each plate.  Lol talk about slow. Usually I just save the banner but I've had to change it every time now.  I wonder if that means from now on annually there will be a Zodiac "Aries", "Pices", etc plate?

Monday, March 23, 2015

Springtime Sunflower Nail Art Tutorial feat 10.1 Perfect Polish and UberChic Beauty Nail Art Stamping Plates!

Hey stamp champs,

Top of the Monday to you!  Just a quicky post to remind you spring is right around the corner even if your city feels like a chill chamber of death.  Lol sorry DC has been a wee bit nippy lately and its killing me.  In any case yesterday I did a massive swatch a thon of the 10.1 Perfect Polish Sunshine and Rainbows Collection.  If you didn't see it you can check out all the cool nail art and swatches here.  I also happened to create a tutorial using Sweet Sherbet and Uberchic Beauty plates that I thought I would share today.

Lacquer Lockdown - uberchic beauty, Uberchic UC 1-02, stamping, nail art stamping blog, spring, flower nail art, floral nail art, sunflower nails, sunflower nail art, 10.1 perfect polish, advanced stamping, leadlight nail art, leadlight technique, spring nail art, spring nails, diy nail art, cute nail art ideas, easy nail art ideas, nail art ideas

Sunday, March 22, 2015

10.1 Perfect Polish Sunshine & Rainbows Collection Swatches & Nail Art

Hey lacqueristas,

I'm back with another collection of swatches and nail art!  I apologize for the lack of art these last few days.  My computer had a small freakout and I haven't been able to get my photo editing software to work properly :/  Gah!  In any case I have been very busy this month despite having the month off from my regular swatching gig ;)   I'm always so excited to when a company approaches me and asks if I would mind swatching and created nail art for their products whether its plates or polishes alike. It makes me nervous and happy at the same time so its a conflicted feeling lol.  Today I'm going to be showing you another new collection from 10.1 Perfect Polish.  If you don't remember I created swatches and nail art for this Colorado based indie for the St. Patricks Day Collection.  Today I'm going to be showing you their Sunshine & Rainbows and Collection which is chocked full of metallic easter inspired pastels!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Hot Off The Stamping Press: MoYou London Doodles Collection

Hey stamp champs,

Boy it has been a few crazy days here on this blog with all the drama over those UP plates. I want to say a big thank you to those of my followers who understand where I'm coming from and know that I am dedicated to telling you guys the truth even when its ugly and sad.  Now I'm so sick to death of this entire situation and ready to move on to the things we all love about this space - plates that are actually gorgeous and well etched and worth our time and investment!  So let's talk about this new Doodles Collection that MoYou London will be releasing this Friday.  I have to admit after seeing the images I'm enchanted.  They do not at all have the feel of the doodles we saw from MoYou London previously from the Scholar Collection and I have to say I'm glad because they are gorgeous! Let's take a look.

 Meet Daria.  Boy oh boy is she gorgeous!  I really hope MYL creates an image just of her cause she's beautiful and I love her fishtail braid!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

WARNING: Scammer Seller!!! DO NOT BUY FROM Universe Polish/UP!!!

Hey stamp champs,

Its with a heavy heart I write this post, but I felt that you deserved a warning about this business before you spend any of your hard earned dollars and got caught in a circumstance similar to my own and several other ladies.  As you know several months ago - around August I discovered a new Brazilian indie brand called Universe Polish or UP run by Tatiana.  As usual I was thrilled and raved about her plates and fresh designs.  Myself along with 30 other girls based here in the U.S. set up a group buy with her.  In addition, she offered to sell us 5 other special release plates that she would be releasing soon to her store. She offered us competitive pricing and seemed eager to proceed. Everything sounded great!   Initially she was very responsive to messages and answered any questions we had about our order. Then we paid her; close to $2000 USD for plates and products via paypal.  I should mention during this time there was an issue with the total and the seller asked for more money to cover the paypal fee.  We agreed and paid this extra amount.  This was August of 2014  and the very beginning of our nightmare....

Hot Off The Stamping Press: Winstonia Store 3rd Generation Nail Art Stamping Plates!

Hey stamperistas,

Moar plates moar plates!  Would it shock you if I said  I still had about 2 more posts to go before I was caught up with all the new releases?  Lol yup another season of raining plates plus I have intel from 3 other brands on new upcoming plates.  Hold your breath and start deliberating cause things are getting hectic!  That said let's talk about the 3rd generation release from Winstonia Store.  If you follow me on Facebook, and you really should because I do post different content there than I do here, you'd have see the post regarding this release last week.  And now here we are with their new release before us today so let's take a look!

Lacquer Lockdowm - nail art art stamping,ping blog, nail art stamping, winstonia store, winstonia store plates, 3rd generation plates, new nail art stamping plates 2015

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Hot Off The Stamping Press: New Born Pretty Store Nail Art Stamping Plates!

Hey stamp champs,

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!  Its been crazy for me between school and work and I realized I'm getting more and  behind with plate releases lol.  Suddenly its spring and designers are releasing like crazy.  Speaking of here comes Born Pretty Store up to their usual shenanigans.  I have to say I am glad they took a breather from releases since their last set was so full of dupes it made me question whether I would continue to purchase plates from the brand.  It looks like they took a few steps back to focus on their larger rectangular plates and since these images tend to be larger I did feel a quiver of excitement to see what they came up with.  Let's take a look... 

The usual full mock up presented for us at least from a glance I see some interesting looking patterns.

Nail Hoot Indie Lacquers The Beginning Collection Swatches & Nail Art

Hey lacqueristas,

This weekend its gonna be jam packed with nail art and swatches for some brands that are new to the blog!  Today its really my pleasure to share with you a brand spanking new indie nail polish company called Nail Hoot created by a stellar pal of mine Brandie Collins!  She's like a one woman wonder woman between her kids, school, work, and crafts business and if that doesn't beat all now she's diving into the nail polish scene and from what I've seen of her new collection its gonna be a smash hit! So sit back and enjoy the swatches :)

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Hot Off The Stamping Press: New Vivid Lacquer Nail Art Stamping Plates!

Happy Saturday stamp champs,

Guess who's back!?! Yup Vivid Lacquer!! Annie has been oddly silent and inactive on Facebook for months now.  I had begun to wonder if she was planning to quietly retire from the nail art stamping business since I hadn't seen any new posts from her or whispers of new plates or polishes for ages.  It made me sad because I own all of her plates yup all of them.  They are spectacular and heavily reached for in my collection.  As such I always look forward to her releases and then suddenly out of nowhere this past week we find out about newly releasing plates! Gahh the fabulousity of it all (yes I'm totally aware I made that word up don't judge).  Let's drool....

Friday, March 13, 2015

Hot Off The Stamping Press: New Dashica Infinity Nail Art Stamping Plates (100-125)!

Hey stamp champs,

Happy Friday! I'm scrambling as usual and far behind as usual.  Lol I think maybe 3 or 4 posts behind for plate releases, but definitely catching up!  Today I wanted to show you the new plates released by Dashica Beauty earlier this month from the Infinity Nails Series.  I love these plates so I always get excited when I see what new releases Shirley has for us.  This is another series I should probably take the time to review for everyone, but just so you know the quality has always been excellent as in Marianne Nails, MoYou London, and Fab Ur Nails excellent.  Yes that good!  The designs are novel and the variety is ample.  So let's take a look at what's in store for us this release.


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Hot Off The Stamping Press: MoYou London Back To The...Collection Expansion!

Hey stamp champs,

Apologies for the long silence.  I have been so busy getting a few things together for the blog, outside of the blog, and for work and school that I have gotten way behind on my posts.  Sigh.  It does feel a bit like I'm always scrambling these days, but one the plus side I have lots more awesome content headed your way!  In any case its time for the weekly MoYou London post.  This week MoYou London expands on their Back To The....(insert decade here) Collection.  Lol seriously that really is the case and because they expanded it across several decades I couldn't even insert a specific era for the blog post.  Lol so let's take a peek.....

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Marianne Nails 2nd Collection Nail Art Stamping Plate Review

Happy Saturday everyone!

I hope everyone is having a great weekend and able to stay dry and warm.  Since the weather is so glum around these parts its the perfect time to sit back and enjoy another epic Lacquer Lockdown style plate review!  Today I'm going to be reviewing plates from the second series release of Marianne Nails.   You can view all of the plates from this release here.  If my memory serves me correctly I believe these plates didn't release until late December of 2014 though I announced them here in October.  I had been anticipating their arrival with something approaching glee, but customs and the USPS held things up a bit which is what kept me from posting this review initially when they arrived at the end January.  Now as usual with my reviews everything is broken up into to sections so feel free to scan through, and don't forget sharing and feedback is caring ;)

Lacquer Lockdown - Marianne Nails, nail art stamping blog, nail art stamping, stamping plate review, marianne nails plate review, plate review, nail art stamping, french stamping plates, indie stamping plates, stamping plate swatches, marianne nails swatches, stamping. stamping polish comparison

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Hot Off The Stamping Press: MoYou London Festive Collection Expansion (Easter Edition)

Hey stamp champs,

Easter already?!?!  I live in a state of perpetual unawareness of holidays, snow, zombies, whatever.  I know Leonard Nemoy passed and I know I walked into CVS today to purchase a drink and was overwhelmed by all the Easter paraphernalia.  I made a sound like "hoy which is equivalent to dismay.  Lol and then I check my inbox and I see this.  MoYou London is early this year and I really really appreciate that!  So I think maybe its just me that doesn't realize Easter is coming like winter in the fore and spring in the soon.   Grab your white gloves, big rimmed church hats, and floral dresses loaded with lace cause it's on like red dawn....(insert picture of me laughing hysterically here)....

Hey MoYou London in the infamous words of another famous little bunny - "What's up doc?" In my own words "Do I smell Easter flavored tribals? Gimme!"

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Messy Mansion Neon Coral Jelly Sandwich Ocean Nail Art

Hey stamperistas,

Welcome to my version of the sea ;)  The coral is neon and the sea life blooms in shades of pastel.  Its pretty and whimsical and just really damn fun!  I can't even tell you where I got the idea for this mani because it all started with the basecoat.  I just wanted to create a jelly sandwich.  Initially I had been thinking of doing something sheer and dramatic then I decided to take my Leadlight Lacquer plates for a cruise again (you can read the review here) and the rest as they say is history.  For those that are like, "What happened to your lovely square shaped nails?" and don't follow me on Instagram - the short version is I had two devastating breaks in as many days and decided to try out some tips and a different shape.