
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Hot Off The Stamping Press: New Born Pretty Store Nail Art Stamping Plates

Hey stamperistas,

Quickie post today!  Born Pretty Store has released another set of nail art stamping plates from their BP Collection (these are the round plates).  The last  release was March 23rd literally not quite a month ago.  So this release is quick.  You can see these plates here.  There were only ten new plates that I could find so let's take a look.

The larger mock-up.  I have the individual plates below...

Cute.  I wonder if they wanted to get these out for Valentines but didn't have enough time? I've seen the open hearts on one of the earlier Pet'la plates, the crosshatched hearts are cute but they are also pinging my memory (b undle monster?), dotted hearts (pueen).

I like these beehive looking bows a lot I've never seen an image like that the rest are all bows I've seen around, but then I think its hard to make "fresh" bow images.  They are a basic for me like stripes.

First plate I absolutely love because I'm one of those losers that loves to play Solitiare and poker.  Oh man I haven't played poker in so long.  So fun!  Yeah this plate is awesome.  I wish they had created a queen image too!

I love stars so I love this image on the left hand side a lot.  Everything here is pretty fresh!

Meh. Its ok.  I bet the lower flower pattern would double well as a citrus fruit nail art.

 I like the 2 upper patterns particularly the one on the left.  Visually its stunning.  I don't know what's happening with these fish below.  I also like the crime tape.  Its done in a way I have not seen before.

Pretty basic, but you could create a lot of cool nail art playing up the the simpleness of the patterns here.  I like how they kept it really mixed so that you get 6 on the whole plate and these look fairly big too!

Another very basic one.  This one for me though is kinda bleh.  I don't know its a little too basic.

Finally we hit cool.  I love wing images and trust me when I say I have a LOT of plates with them.  I purposely look for them so that I can add them to my collection - wings and feathers.  I like the conversation bubbles here as well.  I like everything but the two silhouettes of the dandelion and bubble blowing girls only because its been done a lot.  I like the plate enough that I don't care.

Sweet this is late thought right? Mothers day should be right around the corner and I don't think we will get it in time.  Still I need this plate.  I need it so I can somehow convince my mom to let me do her nails all mothers day cute!

So what do you think? This set is priced to move at $9.99 for the whole kit and kaboodle.  In short its reasonable.  The images are enough that I would get the whole set for the plates I love though you can also purchase them individually. At $10 it feels like a small treat to myself that I can totally justify.  Maybe at the end of the day I'm just more of a fan of the round BP plates than the rectangular ones? I at least know the etching on the round plates was superb and despite not reviewing them the LO plates are equality high quality so you don't have to worry on that front.  You can read my review here.  Get your plates here.  Happy hunting stamp champs and I'll see you next post....


  1. Now this set is for $15,99 - I missed biggest promotion again :(.

  2. I wonder why my previous comment disappeared? I wrote that now price is a little higher - $15,99 for set. I just wondering if to buy a kit at this price or individually 5 plates, which I would like to have for sure.

  3. It didn't disappear my guess is you put in in outside of the Disqus system like on a phone or something. When that happens I have to re-import the comment :) I saw the price when up too :( I was going to get them this morning after falling asleep now the price has gone up. If you don't want all 10 I'd say to get the five you want but its really a bit disappointing how they raise the prices so quickly after release. I usually try to get up releases in advance so that both myself and followers have time to look things over, but I didn't realize these plates were out until they already released late yesterday :/

  4. This time, it was really hard to catch starting price. At the March plates I added to shopping cart kits in promotional price and I went to sleep. In the morning, when I wanted to pay price was higher :/. Somehow I don't have luck for BP promotions.

    BTW - thanks for Your posts about plates from so many brands - I'm new stamping fan and Your posts help me choosing plates :) (and avoid buying from dishonest seller).

    Sorry for my bad English.

  5. It happens you'll catch other sales. I don't think you missed anything life altering if that helps lol. You are welcome and thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I love talking to my followers and I'm always happy to help you find plates or products :) Your English is fine by the way :)

  6. From the first plate the brokenheart and the one with the "love" inside, are also from Pueen Love Elements collection. From the second I think there's one from MYL. But the beehive bows are cool. The Hello Kitty fan in me makes me want that plate particularly for that image lol

    I like this release better than the last one. There are some images from other companies (that I, surprisingly, already have) but they are mixed together with other images so you won't mind them that much. I'd add them all to my collection except for BP-61, BP-65 and BP-68 since they are too meh for my like lol

  7. Yes every set has dupes these days and I've said time and time again that its exhausting to see it. Rather than just continuing to release plates that are not totally original I wish BPS would just slow down and consider that buyers would grab everything if they continued to strive for originality. I ended up not getting these because the price went up too quickly and I missed the window. I wouldn't pay full price for these because I don't feel that are exciting enough to warrant that especially with other new plates on the market releasing.

  8. I won't get them in set, even when I feel extremely unconfortable about not having the plates in a serie, because I don't like them all. BPS started with a great foot but they have gotten less and less interesing with every release they make. And the fact that they keep ignoring what we say doesn't help them at all.

    I wonder what happen with those images they shown on FB and IG when they were assembling their first set of plates. They had so much novelty and interest in creating the best back then.

  9. Lol I really hope Born Pretty Store reads these comments. I told them already the same exact things. The releases are in fact getting less interesting because they are copying to many designs and not creating images that are novel or fresh. I have no idea what happened to those earlier images but there were some good ones in there that they need to consider adding back into the line up. I'm missing heaps of their plates. I stopped buying them consecutively when they started becoming less exciting and original. Of the rectangular plates I only own the first release. I'm missing the last 2 releases from the round plates or the last 3 I just stopped buying them though I do plan to get a select few that I found interesting.

  10. Me too. I got the first set of the rectangular plates and the round up till plate 55. And from their latest releases, I just want a couple of the round and 7 of the rectangular.

    Now seems like a good time to get the ones you want since some of them are in discount, even in their ebay and amazon stores. That mother's day plate is $0.999 now.

  11. Meh its a pass for me regardless. It would have been a "treat" if I purchased them but not something I bought because I loved the plates especially. Last week I posted so many other plate releases with images that were much more original. I'm honestly glad I didn't spend the money because now I have room for other stuff :)


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