
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Hot Off The Stamping Press: New Messy Mansion Nail Art Stamping Plates!

Hey stamperistas,

I'm so sorry I haven't been more active around these parts.  I have actually been incredibly crushed these days.  It feels really really bad in fact I'm sure I'm loosing hair because of all the insanity pushing around me these days.  I did mention it but I have an unexpected move happening and somehow my health also decided now was a good time to start acting up.  Needless to say its misery meets company over here.  However I will never ever stray too far from my stamping and I'll have up a review for you guys tomorrow too, but for now let's take a look at the latest set of plates from Messy Mansion!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Hot Off The Stamping Press: MoYou London Holy Shapes Expansion

Hey stamperistas,

Sorry for the radio silence -  this last week has been crazy with school and travel. Unfortunately some issues with my apartment also has me planning and unexpected move.  I hate moving especially when its not planned so this is gonna be troublesome.   In any case I love trying new things and going to new places but usually it knocks me flat on my bottom for a few days.  So now I'm way behind with releases and catching up! Let's start with MoYou London and their new new Holy Shapes expansion which released yesterday.

Friday, May 15, 2015

China Glaze Electric Nights Gradient Dot & Swirls Nail Art & Tutorial

Hey stamperistas,

Its been crazy quiet over here apologies for that.  I've been in the midst of craziness and now somehow I'm having to plan a move!  Lord I hate moving mostly too because it's hell on my nails! Gah!  In any case today I finally got some time to sit down and do some photo and video editing so I have a nail art to share with you lovelies!  I also took my new Nail Matinee plates out for another spin ;)

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Hot Off The Stamping Press: New Sugar Bubbles Nail Art Stamping Plates!

Hey stamperistas,

Its been a quiet weekend and slow start week, but today I thought I'd take the opportunity to show you the latest plates that are releasing from Sugar Bubbles.  I like this Brazilian based indie because her plates have always sat in a well defined niche that's very different from other platemakers.  Its a little bit of goth meets a little bit of pop culture and her own unique perspective on basic patterns.  I like that which is why I own every single plate this company makes and was really excited when I heard there were going to be new plates coming out!  So let's take a look....

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Hot Off The Stamping Press: New Fab Ur Nails (FUN) Nail Art Stamping Plates!

Hey stamp champs,

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!  I've been trying to get my house in order this whole weekend so I could actually see my desk and couch.  Lol I am not what one would call a strong housekeeper lol.  In any case I just wanted to share some new plates that will be releasing soon from Fab Ur Nails.  You all know I love this company and I always want to see what Johanne has come up with because generally her plates are a great mix of cute and novel that I enjoy.  Plus her own nail art is spectacular so good I get nail envy looking at her creations lol.  So of course I always want all her plates ;)

Lacquer Lockdown - Fab Ur Nails, nail art stamping blog, nail art stamping plates, FUN plates, stamping, indie stamping plates, new stamping plates 2015, new nail art stamping plates 2015, nail art stamping, diy nail art, cool nail art ideas, fun nail art ideas, FUN plates, stamping

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Elevation Polish Streets of Japan Collection Swatches & Nail Art

Hey varnished vixens,

Its that time again when my heart sings with joy for the latest and greatest from Elevation Polish!  I usually like to have the post up sooner but had a small delay with my parcel so I only had a few days to swatch and create art.  Fortunately the collection in question namely the Streets of Japan was so inspired and so beautiful that it felt very easy to think of at least 10, 000 ideas for the polishes. Lol that was actually the problem trying to tone myself down and create a single look.  I'll tell you a little secret because I have a very hard time deciding on how to best showcase my EvPs more often than not I will create multiple nail arts for a given polis hand post the one I like best.  Yup I'm officially crazy lolol don't you dare call the paddy wagon! Now let's take a look at  the goods ;)

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Hot Off The Stamping Press: MoYou London Illusion Collection!

Hey stamperistas,

MoYou London has been awful quiet these last 2 weeks right? Plotting plotting behind the scenes, and for those paying attention the signs of this collection dropping have been in the air since December when MYL released the collection scrapers and this one was labelled as "mystery". Now the mystery has been solved, and for those with a hankering for Magic Eye or just really beautiful abstracts I think you'll find yourself at a loss to resist these plates.  So let's take a look...

Meet Elle she's got a bit of a swirl going on and I don't mean that Chocolate and Vanilla kind ;) I know there is a whole crowd out that that got this reference lololol

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Press Release: Sneak Peek at Bundle Monster's Polynesia Nail Art Stamping Plates!

Hey stamperistas,

You have no idea how EXCITED I am to share this post with you.  I am always always a fan of stamping, no duh right? But when a collection comes along that resonates with something I love I get way way way too excited and way way way too freaking happy!  I'm bouncing on my toes right now I swear.  Bundle Monster has created a new collection of plates themed around the Polynesia culture! This makes a perfect and absolute sense to me.   Its a brand that originates from Hawaii an island culture rich with Polynesian heritage.  I AM SO EXCITED - its going to be tribals for days! And you know how I feel about tribals!!!  Right now all I have are mockups to share with you guys and some press information which is definitely a teaser but I still had to share anyway :) The best part of this latest collection is that they will be made from the XL stamping plates - hallelujah!!!! Ladies you just don't know the church hymnals that are erupting in my head right now lololol!  I'm ready to go tell it on the mountain, over the seas, to the cashier at my grocery store, everywhere!!!

Lacquer Lockdown - nail art stamping blog, nail stamping blog, bundle monster, polynesia collection, nail art, nail art stamping, stamping, stamping plates 2015, nail art stamping plates 2015, cute nail art idea, tribal, tribal nail art, nails, diy nail art, cute nail art ideas

Friday, May 1, 2015

Bejewled Floral Gradient Nail Matinee Nail Art & Tutorial

Hey stamperistas,

I have been a bit quiet here because not much is going on.  I've also been nursing a spring cold or virus something like that - it sucks!  Its been a lot of tea drinking and Vicks Vapor Rub lol I smell like a eucalyptus tree took up residence in my home.  Its not nearly as sexy as it sounds lol ;)  In any case I finally was able to summon up enough stamina to do some photo and video editing.  Oh my!  And so today I have a little nail art I created using Elevation Polish and my new Nail Matinee stamping plates courtesy of Beautometry. If you haven't seen my review for these plates you can check that out here.