I don't want my readers getting overwhelmed, but when I'm gone for weeks at a time I miss lots and lots of plates releases Also the early summer and spring are the worst times to miss chunks of time because platemakers really like to churn out product over this period. Generally speaking I will write my posts before I go to bed or in little spurts here and there when I can find a moment. However, since I'm in recovery I just write in between massive napping and Percocet sessions lol. Today I have plates from another favorite indie brand of mine. Hailing all the way from France let's give up our drool and dollars for Marianne Nails as Ghislaine once again hits the scene with new plates that sends our hearts soaring!
It's probably gonna sound mean if I say this but there is really no way to say it without making a direct comparison. However when Bundle Monster released the press announcement for their Polynesian line of plates the above is exactly what I was expecting but didn't get. Ghislaine's plate left me begging for more where BM's left me walking away. I'm not sure how a little cute lady from France was able to channel this idea so well but she knocked it right out of the park!
Pretty. It feels like everyone is getting their hands in into this paisley game. I'm for it only a few of the images on this particular plate I've seen before across a couple of different brands though never quite in this formulation or layout.
Music makes me lose control. Not sure why that song popped into my head but what a pretty plate again! I love all the ladies in the headphones and the music notes showering out everywhere. Lol I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that guitar looks a little similar to the cello BM did in their Secret Garden Collection though it is a different instrument. Either way the effect is gorgeous!
I want to be tired of lace. I really do because there are so many plates now with lace. It has become its own niche in the market and as much as I want to be tired of it I'm still not. Not even a little especially when its executed this flawlessly as this. Please peep that little lace butterfly that is just killing me! And the swirl everywhere. In the lower right hand corner is a design that is so feminine I had to gasp. Love it!
Sorry for distortion on this one. I think its the layout that doesn't quite agree to being enlarged. But this is another small taste of the polynesian culture - floral style. I see a few familiar looking flowers and a LOT of detailing. This is a supremely detailed plate. It'd be a lot of fun for some seriously detailed decaling. It would be a painful but gorgeous labor of love!
Wow! I will admit butterflies is another one of those themes that is overplayed but I'm speechless! Gorgeous gorgeous plate. Look at the wings on the bird! The dragonflies, and nested flowers within the larger butterfly images, scrolls, and more butterflies! What a gorgeous gorgeous plate!
The platemaker is French. If there wasn't at least one allusion to the grand city of Paris I would doubt her citizenship ;) Kidding this plate is beautiful, but I wonder if I could convince her to think of doing one devoted to Msr. Louboutin and the Champs Elysees ;)
Moar laccccceeeee. I'm not sure what the image in the left upper hand cornder is supposed to be but I['m loving the butterflies in lace once again!
Pretty flowers ladies. This plate is soft and feminine and finally a plate without roses! Hallelujah so there are other flowers out there? ;)
I think Ghislaine felt like she didn't slay us enough with the prior butterfly plate so she went ahead and went in for the kill with this one. She must be taking pointers from La Roux ;) Didn't get that? Lol no worries suffice to say I'm dead looking at this plate. Dead and gone and floating off to plate heaven. Meet me at the gates with some stamping polish and my favorite stamper so I can start the polish party!
Love this plate to death! Text and fresh florals. That giant flower is giving me UberChic tingles and I love it!
Um.. I feel I must be lacking some special gene that other women have. The one that says I'm supposed to enjoy romantic comedies and plates that reek of wedding romance. But alas I don't have that gene this plate is gorgeous but totally not for me or my style. Though the swirls flowers and
swirls are right up my alley and this is a very fresh and novel take on Wedding plates.
Another sparkling floral plate especially the lilies which by the was are one of my favorite flowers! Um I'm going to pretend I didn't see the roses on the right lower hand corner but since they are an accent I will forgive their presence.
Waiting to exhale pollen, and love, and bird feces and asbestos, but somehow its all so damn pretty LOLOLOL! I'm kidding! I couldn't help it when I saw this plate I was like hmm these birds and tiny flecks flying everywhere..... Despite my crass sense of humor I adore this plate along with the typography Ghislaine snuck in.
I like this plate but I have one that is very similar from Dashica and one other brand I can't think of at the moment. These pieces of patterns are very popular among platemakers.
If you were thinking. Hmm this collection needs a bit more lace your prayers were answered. What continues to astound me is how each time the lace is different from the last. They really aren't similar to each other at all! Craziness!
Even though I hate birds in real life because they carry many forms of viruses and nastiness that move over into humans and become inflammatory lung conditions and interstitial lung diseases. Yeah I took it there but its true. Who are these bird keeping people? If only you knew what I knew Polly would be out the window eh.... In any event I really love birds of all kind in plate form. Sweet, pretty and disease free. I need this plate! If you own birds toss them out and get this plate! Lololol
Even more flowers. If you know this brand of plates well you know that Ghislaine does not mess around with her florals. There is a hefty dose of the throughout all of her collections and since I own most of her plates I know it well!
Who who whooooo are you? I can see a lot of owl ladies going crazy for this plate. I was so torn - these images are beautiful. I love owls but sometimes they strike me as slightly evil. They are hunting birds you know as in predators. That cute little mouse at the bottom? Its dinner.....
Ok. I really wish that the logos were less intense here, but again I understand. Designers can't afford to have their images stolen the way unscrupulous manufacturer's have been doing lately. It sucks and its not fair to the platemakers, but damn this plate is gorgeous! If you're good with magic eye you know exactly what I'm talking about. Try to "lift the logos off the designs" and look at what's underneath. You will be blown away! The XXL plate below has the same problem made worse because for whatever reason the distortion when I enlarge it is beyond awful. BUT the images are so beautiful!
Its a safari and more butterfly abstracts and basics down here. Btw you may not know this but I love Ghislaine's XXL plates. They are a bargain at 24 Euros and over 50 designs per plate the first 2 plates have over 75 individual designs maybe even 100. I'd have to go look at the plate but let me tell you if you are budget stamper that's a hell of a lot of images for the price especially when you consider the average MYL plate cost 6.99 Euros a pop Yup that math ain't too pretty eh? The Euro is about 1.10:1 USD. I like to stay up on my world economy cause plates ain't cheap and being good at currency exchange is always a good habit to have.
In any case what on Earth do you think? So many new plates right? Finally a brand I'm super excited for because I know with Marianne Nails you get gorgeous plates and precision etching. What's not to love? Every release has something for everyone and fresh perspectives. So every time I'm slobbering over plates trying to appease my hearts desire versus my wallets restriction. Its never easy really but totally gratifying when I get my fix. These plates should be available on the Marianne Nails website soon. I know I've seen the images rattling around for quite some time. Each regular plate retails for 6.50 Euro while the XXL's retail for 23.99 Euro. Happy hunting stamperistas and I'll see you next post....

TAMIRAAAAAAAA~~~It's so good to have you back. I hope you are fairing well? I've been checking (coughstalkingcough) your blog a lot, hopping to see you "back on your feet". I'm glad you are fine enough to be blogging xDD
ReplyDeleteAbout this release, I'm so excited. I saw so many gorgeous plates I had to participate in the AIS GB. Chhosing only ten was an extremely difficult thing for me. And then I couldn't resist and had to add an extra plate just because UGH. They are fantastic, especially 98 and 99.
Now that you mention "copyright", there's this brand I saw on IG, 8nfinity nails or something, that is manufacturing Hehe plates with their logo on it claiming ownership. I was so upset about that because how could you do that! It's not the same to create a dupe and leave the brand name on it (it's wrong but still), but another completely different to get someone's else work, put your name on it and sell it at a higher price than the original seller. UGH.
Sorry for the long comment! See you in the next post.
Lol thanks Lizzy! Glad to see you too. I'm actually not really totally well I'm just finally recuperating at home as opposed to say the hospital. Now I have access to my computer and such so I just ramble about a bit on posts, but I'm not up to getting up and creating any new nail art or such. I do have a huge backlog of stuff that I need to work on as well as nail art photos and videos that are done and just require editing, but its a bit easier to handle the plate press releases at the moment to ease back into things. I feel a little rusty ;)
ReplyDeleteIn any case yes Ghislaine always makes gorgeous plates because as she would say it is her passion! I scooped up several plates myself. I think for once I also imposed a limit but I'm sure I cheated at the end and just got what I wanted as I'm wont to do. Lol.
Copyrights with platemakers are becoming a huge thing these days because makers are getting their images stolen everywhere. You can see even Pueen and BM puts their logos over their platemockups now. I don't blame them. I know some ladies are unhappy because then they can't get the plates at a cheaper price but its a bit like starving the poor to feed the rich. Its very expensive to design and manufacture plates software to create the designs can go into the several thousands before even talking about manufacturing and test plates. Its not some lucrative business unless you can order quantities like on the scale of BM or something. If I were you I would report that Hehe thief to Joanne's Fashion Shop on AE since she is the original creator of those plates and its a shame how her competitors have stolen so many of her designs. Its also disgusting. The laws regarding copyright in China however are not as strictly enforced as they are here in the States so that's why there is so much rampant theft. Its so sad too because I love my Hehe plates.
Where have I been since you posted this? I thank God I saw this before buying the BM plates and the latest Pueen release! I have been wanting some turtle images! Not sure if anyone else has done them.And those lace plates are ah-maz-ing! Be well,Tamira :-)
ReplyDeleteYes her plates always are and you are very welcome and thank you I try ;)