
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Hot Off The Stamping Press: Pueen Make Your Day Collection!

Hey stamperistas,

Speaking of slowly getting back to business look at what Pueen has been up to in my absence.  I apologize but right now I really can't move around too much so I may not have too many new nail arts to share. but I can always share plate releases!  Pueen released a set called Make Your Day on June 18th which really wasn't that long ago so let's take a look.

Is it just me or does it feel like it's been ages since I saw a "set" from Pueen as opposed to their new larger individual plates?  Anyway this one features  24 new plates that is a mix of both individual and buffet style plates.   They aren't up on Amazon yet so unfortunately I couldn't get close up zoomed in images of these plates.

I also wasn't able to look at any of the plates in zoom on the Pueen website either.  I will admit though looking at these mockups some of these images look super cute.  However I will be abstaining until I can really take a closer look at the images.  I see they snuck in a little 4th of July imagery too! Pretty cleaver Pueen ;)

What do you think? Has anyone purchased these yet?  If so what do you think?  The set isn't on Amazon yet.  You can purchase the set directly from Pueen right now for $20.99 USD + shipping.  I honestly prefer not to shop with Pueen directly since their website shipping can get a little pricey especially if you are purchasing more than one set.  In addition it seems they don't have the same great return policy on the website that Amazon offers.  So my advice would be if you are interested in these to hold off until they become available on Amazon.  If I had to guess I'd say it shouldn't be more than a week or so.  In any case I can add one to the pile of a flurry of releases I missed.  Happy hunting and I'll see you next post....


  1. Oooo these look interesting and like a lot of fun! Hope you start to feel better soon.

  2. Agreed! I'd just like to take a closer look at all the plates before getting anything! Thank you for the well wishes too! :)

  3. You can take a closer look at the plates here:

    I always open the image on their page and then right click/ open image in a new window and voilá! AI get a bigger picture! lol

    This one looks interesting and I'm happy it's not a cluster f*ck of flowers like their earlier releases. But I have to admit that I don't feel that excited about some of the full images plates; they seem too simple for me and not completely with Pueen style (cough 118 cough) Idk.

    And I'm not sure if it's my imagination, but I see parts from their earlier releases here, like that bird from the Encore set on plate 106 and the buildings from plate 100 look similar at the ones in the Fireworks collection one.

    All in all, it's a nice set and I'll probably purchase when it's available on amazon because I'm weak when it's related to Pueen lol

    Now, chanching topics. have you seen Haiyan's new HEHE plates? They are fantastic! For some reason, when I saw her Super Hero and the Hayao Miyazaki inspired ones, I thought about you. Don't ask me why because idek lol


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