Hooo boy the press is sizzling! It's getting so hot these days looking directly at the steam is making my eyes water. The plates just keep getting better and better while the releases keep on piling up, and today is no exception. I've got a release from one of my favorite stamping companies on the block - UberChic Beauty. You all know I'm a fan of this company a big one. I love what they do and they do it so damn well.! Normally I get the exclusive scoops but these days I'm just scrambling to catch up since my health is going up and down. In any event I'm so excited to share the newest plates from UberChic today. So let's get started....
Good googly moogly - this plate is gorgeous! Like seriously aww inspiring the detailing is exquisite and the abstracts divine. Even the tiny hanging lantern gave me chills. I will say I find the small panda kinda creepy I feel like it's eyes are drilling directly into my soul and it makes me want to poke them out. Lolol. Did I mention the part where I like absolutely have to have this plate? Yeah....
I've said it like 1 million times on this blog - I'm just not a romantic person. You know I try I really do. When valentines day rolls around I try to create lovey dovey stuff and I think I have had some moderate success, but the truth is I'm just not wired that way. I find the lace here so god damn enchanting though! The flowers and the dress and the scroll work is phenomenal, but then I start seeing all the rings and the wedding stuff and I can feel my small grinch heart shrivel. Lol I would buy this for the gorgeous lace, the like of which I have seen nowhere else, and those beautiful flowers and dress. Maybe I could use some of the more romantic stuffs for Valentines day themed art. I got nothing for weddings, but if you're into that jazz this plate is one of the more magnificent I've seen within that theme.
I'm so glad for this animal themed plate. I needed the recovery from all that wedding bliss and such and little zebras running through the tundra is just my speed. Can we talk about this freaking lion and elephant face abstract images? Um holy crap they are so cool! In fact this plate is full of unique images. It kind of tapers at the bottom though and I will be honest and say that leopard, zebra, jaguar and all manner of animal prints have been done over and over again. However lets say you wanted like one stop shopping where you could get your prints and your cool animals this would be the plate to do so with. I am a little torn only because I do have a lot of animal print plates but I can hear that little zebra calling and done so much better than the one I mentioned late last week.
Midwest American done oh so right! First off all everybody and their mother knows I love me some friggin tribals. I mean I've done waaay too many of them and still have way to many more to go. But also there's this thing were I really love indigenous populations none other more so than the American Indian. How much they've lost and how rich their cultures and tribes and dialects were goes beyond the scope of this blog, its the anthropologist in me speaking, but I really love anything related to their background and lore. I also love tiny baby cacti and feathers so its a done deal.
What on Earth do you think of the latest UberChic releases? As usual I'm fairly impressed! Brittany has a great sense for choosing and creating plates that have something to offer to everyone even those of us with tiny grinch hearts ;) These plates are available now on the website they retail for 14.99 per plate + shipping. There is also a single plate sale going on for the individual plates so now would be a good time to take advantage. I actually do tend the buy the plates in sets when possible so if you want an entire collection don't forget that's still the better bargain than buying each plate individually even with the sale. All of the prior collections have restocked for preorder as well! In any case thanks for reading and I'll see you next post....

I was waiting on you to review UberChic's plates! I like the Far East and the Midwest plates and I really want to like the Out of Africa plate because those abstract images are amazing but the rest of the plate is so basic with the animal print and the lines. I'm disappointed because i don't know if i can justify paying $15 for a plate when i only like 3 images....
ReplyDeleteThis isn't a review it's just a plate press announcement. If you are interested though I do have up a review of the UberChic plates in case you are concerned about the quality of the plates etc. They stamp beautifully. About the OOA plate I do not think those 3 images alone are the only unique images on that plate but I do understand that this plate has, as I said above, some images that are fairly common across many brands. If you are torn about it you can always just get the 2 you want the most and ask for the other as a birthday or Christmas present.
ReplyDeleteHope that you are at feeling at least a little better these days. I love every one of these plates because they all posses enough uniqueness for me to justify the purchase. Now if my wallet can just behave and get in alignment with my list that would be wonderful.
ReplyDeleteI hope you're feeling better. I need to have all of these plates in my life! Every single one!