I think by mid next week I'll be able to return a bit more to my normal posts. I'll finally be able to take off this stupid sling at least lol. In any case get ready because today I have some moar brand new plates to share with you from UberChic Beauty. I know right!?! Brittany is on some kind of mad creative high. It's problematic for our wallets right because I want to own everything she makes! Addict like behavior at its worst. Now let's take a look at the sweet offerings she has in store for us next.....
Wolves, dragons, unicorns, and feathers oh my! Is that a magic mirror I spy? OMG ok dies. Get's back up...dies again. Did she really include the typography from Disney's Robin Hood?!?! Ahem, "Robin Hood and Little Jon a walking through the forest reminiscing this and that and having such a good time. Oo-de-lally golly what a day...." God full childhood flashback to the awesomeness of Roger Miller's voice. I don't even know what I'm talking about any more. I need this plate!
Full on coolness is how I would describe the Fairy Tale - Sweet April plate. It's so unique and beautiful. Brittany said this was inspired from a page out of some ancient fairy tale tome from like the days of yore. Lolol. I can assure you she didn't say it in quite that alliterative style but you know free license to elaborate creatively here ;) To be honest I'm not sure how I would translate this plate onto my nails, and frankly that's kind of awesome. You have to understand I have a lot of plates so when I see a plate that makes me go...oh how can I use this to create epic? I've hit like stamping plate wonderland :) Love the typography at the bottom too!
I swear to the heavens I will never ever get of the florals offered to us from UberChic Beauty. She may be the only plate maker today that constantly gives us options other than roses, roses, and more roses. Also why do her leaves and stuff always look so juicy and alive even though they are clearly two dimensional? I don't know how she does that! It's absolutely gorgeous though. Another plate I absolutely must have.
Indies do it better. Agreed - when it comes to both plates and polishes I live for that sentiment. I think they have a bit of a firmer grasp on what the consumer wants. They create novelty and this plate is a great example. Its got a good mix of some standard patterns and abstracts but then thrown into this are the lush florals that UC is being renowned for and the abstracts that give me wild fantasies of stamping nail art heaven. There's enough variety on this plate that I can easily justify the purchase plus I need that abstract on the bottom row 1 pattern in from the left!
This plate is interesting. It has a few more basic designs than usual patterns that I see coming from UC but again pushed together with some of the most refreshing abstracts I've seen in a while. Those hearts, even though I am a known romantic grinch, I've never seen anything like them before or the larger one at the bottom that is abstracts within abstracts. And of course I love the flowers and that tiny little tree. This is my let's see how I can justify this purchase plate. Lol - I have some of the more basic patterns spread out across my collection but the unique ones are calling to my heart. There are times when I truly envy the "young stamper" after 9 years I've amassed quite the little collection. I'll probably end up getting this plate anyway because I like those abstracts too much!
And finally a novel invention coming from UberChic at stamping mat! For those that have followed me for a while or read my Stamping 101 page you know I am a big advocate of using a mat under my stamping area for nail art. It really makes the clean up less of a hassle but also keeps you from potentially ruining the furniture underneath. This mat is a little more awesome because it has fingers for you to test your stamps and create decals. Its also made to be acetone and remover resistant. You can also swatch on it. It's a bit of an investment at $15 per mat however I think if you don't have something like this it would be worth the investment over time to save your furniture at least. I will admit I prefer to create my decals on the stamper but I will also admit I have like 50 stampers so I can create as many as I want when I want without limits lolol ;) Overall though I love this idea!
So thoughts? Favorites? Hafta gotta haves? Wishlistables? As usual the Uberchic sets retail for $24.99 USD which is definitely a savings. Individual plates retail for $14.99 USD and as I said before the mat will be $15 USD + flat rate shipping. You can find these plates plus all the other collections which have restocked btw on the UberChic Beauty website. Thanks for reading and I'll see you next post....

I'm curious about that stamping mat. And the new plates looks great.