Happy Wednesday! As I said yesterday I'm finally finally I'm getting back to myself and my health restored and I finally have use of my dominant arm back. Hoorah! Please expect some rapid catch up posts over the next couple of weeks including a mile of reviews and swatches that have been piling up. Along with that of course I have a ton of plate releases that I need to catch up on too. I missed a bunch and now I'm scrambling to get back up to speed. Today I'm going to be sharing the newest stamping plates from Emily de Molly, run by the fabulously artistic and talented Hayley. I think these have been out for a at least a month or two already, but since I've been a little up and down I missed these plates when they first debuted. In any case let's take a look!
Hayley has always had an eye for abstracts and geometrics, and it really shows in the plates she released this time around. What I love the most about the kind of patterns on this plate is the potential for layering stamps. Loving it ;)
See what I mean? Pretty glorious right? She also has some kick ass florals going on here that are somehow married really well with abstracts!
This one is a little more basic but is really pretty and simplistic. I'd like to see how this would work in layered stamping.
I can't remember who exactly started this trend of pushing lots of designs into one round plate I want to say Pueen inspired by MoYou London's visionary landscape style plates. Sometimes they make me dizzy though. There's a lot happening in this plate so much its a bit hard for me to imagine how I'd use it without playing around with it first.
This one also has some more basic patterns I see a few full nail images compressed into lined up tile. This would make a great accent plate.
Abstracts are back and I love it! This plate is really fresh looking to me i.e. I haven't seen these patterns elsewhere before.
This plate is way too beautiful! Flower petals and moons and abstracts. I'm done I need this plate!
Soft soft soft. I love the little birds and the tiny vines! Need!
Waves and abstracts. Oh man this plate is so pretty! Also lace is really feminine and different.
So thoughts on all the lovely? I'm pretty happy looking at this latest set of plates from Hayley. Definitely some new kinds of designs and a few solid basics. These plates retail for 6.50 on the Emily de Molly website. Btw even though this platemaker is based in Aussie she still ships at least plates to the US. You can also get them stateside at Messy Mansion. Thanks for reading and happy hunting stamperistas! I'll see you next post....

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