
Thursday, September 24, 2015

Hot Off The Stamping Press: New Bunny Nails Nail Art Stamping Plates!

Hey stamp champs,

I know I'm sure far behind in the plate release announcements so lots of catching up to do.  Today a quickie post to share some new plates that released a few weeks ago from Bunny Nails.  These plates are from her BuNa series and not the HD.  One thing I know about Bunny Nails is that when she first started releasing plates she pretty much cornered the Halloween and other holiday image department. I really loved what she did with those images, but I always want to see what she will do outside of non holiday themes and that's really what the BUNa series is about.  So let's take a look!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Elevation Polish Street Graffiti Collection Swatches and Nail Art (June 2015)

Happy Monday,

Oh my it's been way too long since I posted some nail art.  I've missed it terribly.  I love talking about stamping plates and products and reviewing them, but nothing revs my engine quite better than actually getting down to the deed of stamping.  I'm behind.  I've realized I'm just going to be behind for a while, though I'm going to make every effort to catch up quickly, however I really can't over do things.  I'm going to have to ask your forgiveness for that and extend my gratitude to my partners who have been so amazing to me! I'm blessed truly and I know it and don't take it for granted.  Now today I have a collection I have been sitting on for far far too long - Elevation Polish Street Graffiti Collection.  Yup - I'm still loving and living for my EPs and I still have 2 more collections to show you, but for today let's take a look at the mean streets of the world ;)

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Hot Off The Stamping Press: MoYou London Gothic Collection Expansion!

Heave ho stamperistas,

Yup pushing out these posts like a late paying renter ;)  Welcome back to the MoYou London release party this time I've got the plates from the Gothic Collection and with this post I have now covered all the plates that MYL has put out the last couple of weeks.  I will note I do not ever post their releases of foot and hand tattoos because they seem a bit....well never mind suffice to say this is all the plates for now.

 Hey goth chick! What's your name what's your number ;)

Hot Off The Stamping Press: MoYou London Festive Collection Expansion

Yo stamp champs,

Told ya today is MoYou London day.  I'm just pushing out all the releases I've missed over the last couple of weeks from this company.  This time there is only one.  Lol a Halloween themed plate from the Festive Collection.  Btw for those Halloween enthusiasts I have a stand alone post that highlights some of my favorite plates for the season.  Check it out here.  Should I do a 2015 followup? Let me know in the comments and that said let's look at this Festive plate!

Oh my this cat is pissed judging by his fur - it must be the cute mittens ;) Lololol

Hot Off The Stamping Press: MoYou London Steampunk Collection!

Hiya stamp champs,

A little aside before we get started:  Any time I post plates and the word review is not used in the title it is not a review.  Reviews on this blog consist of very detailed breakdown of the plates swatches etc. If you don't know what my reviews look like click here.  Plate announcements are simply that - an announcement of new plates on the market and my opinion of the designs.  Don't like my opinion? Tough cookies this is my blog and I'm entitled to post my sentiments as such.  If you want to post your own opinions or demand I conform to a certain standard by all means please take the time to start your own blog.  I always welcome comments and they don't have to be complimentary, but bear in mind anyone that puts rude/condescending comments on this blog will be blocked.  Now let's get back to our regularly scheduled programming.  - dictated not read the management.


I know I know I know where the f%%k have I been? Lol around working, recovering, getting my life in order.  And in the mean time how many freaking plates have released? Lots some I'm excited about some I'm like meh this has been done (a lot) and others that are like vanilla ice cream.  Let me explain that - classic, sweet, and pretty much timeless.  Hahaha still we all have our favorite brand of vanilla ice cream don't we? Mine happens to be Haagen Dazs Vanilla Bean which is altogether way too delicious epic and yummy.  In any case today I've got the latest full collection from MoYou London. It's gonna be a MYL day since they've released a few plates so stay tuned. For now let's steampunk ;)

Oh boy this nameless mascot is pretty! She feels just a little bit like willy wonka plus vintage paranormal romance so I have some hope for this collection.