The holiday season is quickly approaching and with it comes a full assortment of Christmas themed plates and New Years cheer. You may recall I posted about the Cici & Sisi holiday plate that released last year here. I ended up buying it, but of course I got it after Christmas using a gift card received for the holidays. Lol as such its sitting pretty in my collection unused until now. Would you like a review of this plate? Let me know! For now I'm going to show you this years version though I have no idea why they decided to label it as the 2016 plate when last year was labelled 2014 and it is Christmas 2015 but whatever. Let's take a look!
Here's their promo shot. I think its really pretty with all the red and white! Shout out to my stamping bestie Yvette for drawing my attention to the newest plate <3 The theme for this year is Happy Reindeer.
I cropped tf out of this original image because it was so zoomed out you couldn't see any of the little details of the plate. I don't know who runs the promotions over at C&S, but they really need to step up their plate shots. Even with the cropping you still can't make out all of the tiny details. You can go to their website here and look at each image zoomed in. Now for the plate itself I love it! Once you finally check out all the little designs you can see this is a really sweet plate. It has a ton of novel images and classics right on a single plate. Christmas themed plates like Halloween themed ones can be tricky and for the exact same reasons i.e. been there done that. What I love about these designs is that there are a ton of reindeer presents ornaments and christmas winter/themes all in one plate that are relatively original. Plus they managed to capture some New Years well wishes too! The red backing on this plate is gorgeous as well! I can attest from last years plate the backs of the specialty plates are always beautiful.
See what I mean? And because they created images that allow the user to go back in for fine detailing on the decals this becomes a great addition to the Christmas plates out there! In general I didn't care for the Cici & Sisi plates outside of Jumbo Sets 1 & 2 and their last Christmas plate, but once again when it comes to the holiday theme they really did a great job. Even plenty of those little sweater images that we've all seen 1 million times though these also have unique designs.
So there we have it. What do you think? I'm gonna point out one more bonus of this plate - the price point. For $12.99 USD and free shipping you get over 30 single images + the landscape at the bottom. Yeah don't let your eye fool you these individual theme plates from C&S are bigger than the FUN, UC, MOS plates by quite a bit. Last years version came in a faux leather pouch and beautiful external holder. Obviously I went ahead and scooped this one right up lol. In any case this plate is already up on the Cici & Sisi website so head on over. I'm sure eventually it will also be offered on Amazon as with all their plates if you want to wait as well. Happy hunting and I'll see you next post....

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