Double feature today cause well it's Monday so might as well give you a bonus for your weekday pains lol. Plus Loja BBF is cooking with some smoking sauce and I had to share! As I mentioned earlier in my Loja BBF review Cris has released new stamping plates! So I figured now as a good time as any to show you the latest and greatest goods releasing from this Brazilian indie powerhouse!
You really want to see what's after the jump so read on!
It took me a while to realize what these little images remind me of and when I did I was like how f-ing cute! If anyone regularly uses the emoji's that come with Iphone's, I'm a big fan myself, these are the little houses section of those emoji's. At least that's what they look like to me. Lol how cute!
If you are like me you are thinking about plates for holidays that haven't even arrived yet. I'm already in Christmas mode despite it only being early November os of course the next major holiday has to be Valentines Day ;) And right on time here are some extremely adorable chevrons and angels. My favorite images here are the typography ones!
One thing about being in the nail art world is that their are a lot of crazy cat ladies! Like a ton all obsessed with their cats. I don't have a cat, but recently I've been fantasizing about owning a Devon Rex which is a awesome cat with super huge ears and insanely large eyes - just like the cat face images here! Lol is it a sign? I'm not sure but even without a cat I find these images to be really sweet and also unique! Did you see the little cat with the reindeer antlers? Or the one wearing glasses? Lol details ;)
And just in case you didn't get enough - the "hang in there baby" cat! Lolol. I know there are gonna be a lot of happy stamperistas out there. I personally love the little fishbones and paws images. Just so damn adorable!
The BBF take on the optical illusion craze that is everywhere these days. This is one of her larger plates (note the 3 rows as opposed to the traditional 2). It may feel a little basic, but there are actually a few unique images here that I noticed after looking around my collection a bit. In particular the image top row 1st from the left and top row 1st from the right, lowest row 2nd from the left and 1st from the right. I can see some serious gradient work happening with this plate!
More optical illusions some I've seen before and consider standard optical illusions. However a few I'm like where did this come from?!? The interlacing flowers and fluer de lis patterns are so pretty and I love that nested star! There are definitely a few basic images in here (dots and squares) but also plenty of new ones too. For those that don't have any of the optical illusion plates this one has a good mix of tried and true and unique images.
Some of you who have followed me for a while may know of my love for bees and bee inspired nail art. I'd done a set a while ago (2 years back) using my VL plates. I keep collecting bee plates but don't do nearly enough art with them. That needs to change especially when I see this plate. It's weird and quirky. I'm in love with that huge abstract of stars, circles dots and hearts and I love these insanely intricate line drawings. I can't even tell what it is, but it would look amazing on my nails! Lol. And of course the honeycomb with hearts! I really like this plate and I MUST have that image top row 1st from the right!
And I died! Plategasms for DAYS.... The Little Mermaid was one of the first if not the first movie I ever saw in theaters. That scene where Ursula sings into the mirror while Scuttle is watching and her true image reflects outward has always killed me! And here it is made into plate form. She even captured Flotsam and Jetsam. "Flotasam Jetsam I've got her now...the boss is on a role! Oh those poor unfortunate souls!!!!"" I love you Ursula my favorite Disney villain along with Jabbar <3 I'm dead! Dead!!!! Dead!!!!! Gah!
Cat, dog, lightening, ventricular fibrillation (that is not a normal cardiac waveform), Mickey, another stylized lightening, bones, bows. Wow! These templates are crazy!
And finally one completely dedicated to Christmas! Love it especially the North Star and the snowflakes! So what do you think? Just like I said there is a lot of love right? Every release Cris does something magical and a little bit unexpected. I keep coming back to her brand! Hahaha that's a good feeling too when a platemaker continues to thrill you year after year despite the insane market saturation. I've said it before but I'm a lifetime fan! Now you can purchase Loja BBF plates from her website. Plates retail from $7.50-9 USD. and templates are $8.50. I highly suggest if you are looking into anything for Christmas ordering like right now! The mail slam that happens around the holidays is best avoided this way and you'll get your plates in time to enjoy them for the season! Ok darlings thanks for reading and don't forget to check out my last review of this brand, and leave me some love! I also have another review coming up for some custom plates I ordered from Loja BBF so stay tuned ;)

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