Happy 2016! The year went quickly and a lot has changed around here. If I think of all the changes I made I'd get overwhelmed - but the blog setup, my lighting, my camera, my filmography software and photography software has changed so much! It's crazy to think of it all and how much I've learned and still have to learn. But what do you think? Is it just me who thinks a lot has changed? Has a lot changed in your nail art or set up? I'd love to hear about it in the comments below!
When I was editing my video and photos for this post I couldn't believe how much the overall quality of what I'm doing has changed as a blogger and artist. It excites me so much and I can't wait to show you what I have in store for you next! But today its more snowflakes which I wore for New Years Eve as well even though I was working :)
I always say that Pet'la Plate doesn't get enough love on my blog and its true. I don't use my plates nearly enough even though I love this brand and personally speaking Petra as a maker falls within one of my top five favorite makers! Yup I do keep such a list running in my head of makers who literally make me run for my wallet the minute they release plates. So yes Pet'la does not get nearly enough love here though I'm going to try hard to amend that in the 2016.
You can recreate this nail art using my tutorial here and don't forget to go and give me a thumbs up or a comment on Youtube if you liked it!
So why snowflakes again? I don't know. I'm on a weird kick with them lately. I have a lot of snowflake plates for one and for the other some of the patterns are so exquisite and so beautiful I can't stop stamping with them. Flake No More is a prime example. Plus despite the warm weather we've had here on the East coast winter is just starting which means bring on the flakies!
Btw I should stop and take a moment to say thank you to my nail art pal and sista friend Yvette! She sent me these last year for Christmas and I was so unbelievably touched and grateful. It was a fantastic present because I'd been wanting these plates pretty badly, but because of school really couldn't afford them. So huge thank you to my lovie dovie for sending me these once again!
Now let's take a moment here to stop and reflect on the fact I have also neglected my LSL polishes for while now. Definitely not with intention, but once again I couldn't really afford a huge amount of polishes this last year and Carolyn always tempts me to break my budget. This is why I've been trying to avoid the temptation and keep the devil behind me so to speak. However this might be the first time I have properly captured how baller and insane her linear holos are! Pure Luxury will forever be one of my all time favorite blingy polishes. Just insanely gorgeous!
Mulled Wine is stunning as well! Both are linear beyond belief and reflect by full spectrum rainbow at every opportunity. I'm glad I own them. I know Pure Luxury is a bit sheer and has to be built up about 3-4 coats. Normally that would drive me looney since I hate layering polishes like that because they take forever to dry so that I can stamp. However that's not the case here. The coats were all thin and dried incredibly fast - about 2 minutes per coat.
I forgot to do a pose holding the Flake No More Plate. Its incredibly beautiful and has many more patterns that I will definitely be using this winter!
Well I hope you enjoyed this shiney and holo-ey post on New Years Day! Let me know what you though in the comments and Happy New Year! Let's look forward to more awesome nail art and plates this year :)

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