Its past fall and its definitely past the season of PSL's. I don't care! As I sit here writing this post I'm drinking a pumpkin Blue Moon and thinking fall is the best. Yeah I know spring is just around the corner flowers and all that jazz, but I'd be happy if pumpkins and all things fall existed year round so I could indulge especially if they are as beautiful as this PSL nail polish from Painted Polish by Lexi!
For whatever reason I struggled with my photos today. I will say I miss my long nails. These are so short and if you notice I had yet another cut down again! Gah! I'll tell you something about short nails. For me they break with more ease than long ones because the edges catch on every little thing and break. It kills me. Please grow quickly little stubbies!
Basecoat/Topcoat: UNT Peel Off Basecoat / Sally Hansen Diamond Flash
Base color: Painted Polish by Lexi PSL
Watermarble: In The Name Of Polish Clearly Marbles & Essie Licorice
This is the base Painted Polish by Lexi PSL. I believe its retired. I've had it for about 1 year and this is my first time breaking it out. That was a mistake. It's gorgeous as you can see. If I were to compare it to my microglitters from Cupcake Polish I'd say these were a bit larger, but equally holo. They catch the light every where I go.
See how the glitter is much more apparent here? Definitely a bit larger than my Unicorns. It's also in a clear base so you have to layer it on quite a bit. I believe all told this is three coats. I would say it would be best to apply this polish with a sponge in hindsight.

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