Happy Thursday stamp champs
Nothing To DiscloseBusiness as usual in these parts + nail arting like an addict since I have a bit more free time these days. Today I wanted to point out plates by one of my favorite platemakers are now available for preorder - Fab Ur Nails aka FUN plates! Joanne hasn't released a set of plates in quite a while so I was excited to see what was in store with this latest set. Also because she is a talented nail artist in her own right we get to see what new designs she has come up with using her plates!
Puzzles, triangles, swirls, flowers, dots oh my! The image in the right lower hand corner is spectacular and very different from what I've seen elsewhere. I don't really have a sense that this plate is exactly the most fresh given some of the florals and abstracts we've seen - the two in the upper left hand corner 1st and 2nd row, third row down 1st from the right, and a few others. Still if you don't already have these images in your collection this is a great place to start.
Fresher and more unique the prior plate. There are a few of the newer images that are popping up across platemakers - Clear Jelly Stamper style. This plate is also loaded with abstracts which I love. This plate is beautiful!
This plate is my favorite from the entire release! Two images are pretty reminiscence to one I've seen on the Chez Delaney image plates and the cabbage roses are also a bit similar to others I've seen but hey you guys know how I feel about roses. However the rest of the images are magnificent! I love this plate to bits!
Unicorns the new it thang along with mermaids, teacups and cakes, more abstracts, more florals and ah giesha girls! Several of the floral patterns I've seen before which makes them a little less fresh but the owls and the ikat like abstracts are pretty cool!
So thoughts? Definitely a few must haves in this release. Currently these plates are 15% off as they are in preorder status meaning each plate retails for $11.89 USD each plus shipping. Thats a pretty good deal considering these plates a regularly $15. The older plates are also on sale for 10% off no code is necessary for either discount. You can find these plates and many more stamping supplies including some of my favorite stamping pads and brushes on the Fab Ur Nails website. Happy hunting and I'll see you next post!

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