Hey stamp champs,
As promised an update on my favorite plates for the upcoming holiday. I apologize for the delay as I went to grab info on several of the platemakers I was shocked to realize many were closing doors, but more about that later. Has anyone got plans yet for Halloween? Costume ideas? As you know almost 3 years ago I put together a post of all of my favorite Halloween stamping plates featuring plates I loved incredibly hard and also the ones that made me feel I would literally die without. Yes literally! Ok not literally, but you know what I mean. Halloween is one of my favorite seasons and as always I want to share that love and hopefully stir your own excitement and my own as the holiday filled with pumpkin flavored treats and pseudo-scary delights!
Messy Mansion
This year will be unique since a lot of my collection got shuffled around and some damaged by this summers mishaps. However here's a plate from last year that made me die 1000 deaths when I first saw it! The mosaic with the skulls, eyeballs, grasping hands and teeth with random bonus font thrown in just because. I was shook! I'm still having plategasms enough to say this was my favorite of last seasons releases! Yes Julie still has magic don't sleep on Messy Mansion plates because if you do you'll regret it.
Julia's Halloween plates and Christmas plates last year were spectacular! I mean all of them equally so, but again these mosaics are stunning! Also I love the detailing on the witch and Frankenstien. The plates above are two must haves to plan your all Hallow's Eve mani's this month!
Vivid Lacquer
A classic delight. I'm not sure why I don't see this around more often. Good news or bad news? Vivid Lacquer is going out of business indefinitely meaning this plate is on sale. However it will be discontinued shortly so get it while you can! I was shocked to see it. I actually spent an incredible amount of time digging through my plates to make sure I had every single VL plate. I do because I never missed a preorder but it breaks my heart to see Annie closing doors. Scoop her plates, what remains of them, while you can
Uberchic Beauty
Are you even surprised? Some of you may recall when I nearly lost my mind last season trying to get all the UberChic Halloween plates from WhatsUp Nails and met with a few disasters but excellent customer service. This year I will finally be able to zombie it up to my hearts content! Best part here? All the freaking brains brains brains!!!
And the original ole g Halloween 1. I have always always adored this plate! Its a great mix of cute and campy. This is better choice for people who don't want their mani's to go too far down the creepy crawly "ugly pretty" road.
Sugar Bubbles
Ok I think its pretty clear that I have always had a weak spot for Sugar Bubbles plates! The owner has a handle on what I consider "goth chic". Somehow choosing imagery that is cute but dark enough to give a little twist that makes me go rushing to snap up her goods. So clearly these plates and this platemaker has a relatively permanent place in my heart and are always my favorites for Halloween wishlists!
Boil boil and bubble! Ok if you don't know this movie i.e the The Witches I really don't know where you been living. This movie ran a total of 9 times of public tv last year. Its an iconic film of its time highlighting the awesomeness that has become a classic cult Halloween standard. Clearly owning this plate is a must!
Da da da duh.. chi chi...da da da duh...ch chi...The Addams Family. Yup nuff said! Sugar Bubbles plates are kinda troublesome to find stateside unfortunately. The maker doesn't directly sell her plates to customers so you have to check her Facebook for resellers. Beautometry also sells them stateside, but tends to sort of intermittently stock her plates its best to sign up for the email alerts if you want to scoop them up quickly.
Chez Delaney
Here's another great platemaker who is unfortunately going out of business. I have loved Chez Delaney. Ugh why!!! Let me tell you right now. Any platemaker that features Beetlejuice (which by the way is the correct title of the movie and not the spelling of the character's name) can have all my f-ing money! Take it all! Make an entire plate and just give it too me! Gah! Clearly I own this plate lol...
I will also mention while Chez Delaney may be going OOB her plates are not reduced in price. They are still full retail, but IMO worth having if you get the chance. I love the cameo like quality of these plates. Btw if there is anyone out there with the Alice 001 plate I will pay you a pretty penny to grab it from you since its sold out in the shop and Alice In Wonderland is my crack!
Creative Shop 35 (@Beautometry)
I'd been riding on a fence about this maker initially. There was some drama in the back scenes that made me hesitate. Fortunately it all got resolved and I purchased my first few plates some time later. I was inordinately pleased by the quality. I don't know how to describe Creative Shop plates. Some of her plates I'm like nah girl, mostly this is directed at some of the animal cutesy plates that don't do it for me, but others I'm like ugh why is she so brilliant. I have a lot as a result. The above is one of my favorite. Peep the Winter King, the oozing brains, and the skull with roses. Stunning!
Bunny Nails
Hey Dulce - your plates still make my nails sit up and pant ;). To this day you are still one of my favorite Halloween platemakers despite not having made any new Halloween plates in a while I adore the classics and I own them all. Praise your dancing skull man and grasping zombie hands!
And here's another exampe of a platemaker that nails scary cute perfectly for the squeamish crowd!
Marianne Nails
Gishlaine I miss you my friend! This platemaker is so special to me in many ways and I love and adore her plates. Everything in her plates speaks of passion. I know she pushes herself very hard to create something everyone loves and she herself can be proud of for her family. Actually I can say that of all of the platemakers here. I know these ladies, some of them very well, but really its amazing the talent that has sprung up all over the world in a love for nail art and stamping!
Why so serious Jack the Pumpkin King?!?! Lol. I know that was such a terrible quip, but boy I'd give a lot to grab up this plate! Here's an example of a plate that mixes genres in a really interesting way. I love the joker from Dark Knight mixed wit the gorgeous delights of A Nightmare Before Christmas especially since the NBC images can double up across two holidays! Well done here!
Even the ghosties are cute. The only images that might give you pause are the insects. Personally speaking I hate centipedes my old basement apartment used to be crawling with them in the summer and I'd have to spray constantly - yuck!
Believe it or not this one is my favorite. The little marching sequence of the witch, frankenstien and ghost get me every time! I love all the tiny details hiding in plain site here as well like the goblin sitting on the address post which reads 666.
MoYou London
For the MYL crowd here is one of my favorites. I hesitated in getting this plate for a while because I thought the mini version had much cuter detailing. In the end though I could not resist the witches legs or the screaming misaligned skull.
The tombstones and the black and white swirl sold this plate for me. The creepies on the merry-go-round were just a bonus ;)
Here its the ravens and the cats that I love. The spider also is in a unique design I've never seen before. Love the mix of gothic and pretty happening here!
Updated to add this latest beauty just released by MYL today. Looks like somebody else decided to join the scary cute bandwagon. I gotta say these little mummy animals are killing me! Super cute!
BBF Nail Art
Finally I'll show you a plates that are probably going to be my favorite plates of the season personally only because those who know me well know I am a HUGE Pott-head. You just have to sit beside me when my phone goes off ;)
Be still my Harry Potter loving heart! All the Quiditch! All the Hedwig! All the Dobby. Omg omg omg. Hyperventilating passing out dying....paint my nails holographic and bury me with my plates!
'ello 'ello 'ello! *insert chockney british accent here* The last plate too big for your little nail britches? Ok bring on the minis! Let me go ahead and just throw all my money at you Cris! Ugh wait I don't have all the money. I'm now back in pre-organ sales contemplation mode.
Symbols of excellence? Is that a m'fing wraith? Awww man I need these plates BAD!!!
All the houses? All the snitches golden and otherwise? Ack! I neeeeeed you for Halloween and all the year long!
Ok so that's what I got for you this year! There's a lot to love, but then again there is always a lot to love. I keep thinking every year that that is no way makers will come out with anything else to tempt me because there are only so many ways you can do a Halloween plate before things get stagnant and every year I'm pleasantly surprised. Let me know in the comments below if you have some personal favorites you want to share too! Any of the plates above can be purchased by clicking on the makers' name which will direct you toward the site or place where you can make a purchase except where noted. Happy hunting and I'll see you next post!

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